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Rejected Rae Mafia | Unofficial Organization

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Mya Rae

Oct 10, 2021

Family Name: Rae Mafia
Family Owner: Mya Rae | ID: 370
Family House Number: 736
Family Founder Discord: MyaRae#9249
Family Owner Forum Link: MyaRae

I requested for the family to be removed from unofficial due to the recent updates with Rockstar and I did not think changes would be made so soon to be back to normal. Our active family member count is going up more and more everyday and people are wanting to do events once again. This was my mistake as I thought changes wouldn't be made till Christmas when the new GRP update goes out. I am excited to see what the following changes/updates will be and am ready to get back to the grind of moving to top 10. So far we have learned to finally work together and figure out what works best for us a team- everyday it becomes easier and easier to win events. Communication and trust is key to anything. We have changed the way some things are done and hopefully this new mindset gives us an automatic boost to aid us in climbing the ranks.

Who Is Rae Mafia?
Rae Mafia was founded by a girl with a dream. She got her closest friends together, all the money she saved and decided to make her own family. Mya has been in several families before but it did not sit right just being a stander by, doing the dirty work without recognition - watching families with leaders who did not know what they were doing. She would continuously press and push ideas- whilst continuously being denied. This family was made with the idea of starting at the bottom and working their way up. Grinding, working, and grinding some more. Blood, sweat and tears.
Networking is one of the biggest assets this family has- business, friends, associates of all sorts. It helps being able to get necessities while getting this family up and running. The most important thing is that we're having fun and making memories that we’ll have forever. We have learned that competing with these larger families is a challenge but we have not given up yet.

Family Rules:
- Safety is number one priority!
- Tell the truth.
- Treat people and others property with respect at all times.
- Racism and any other kind of discrimination will NOT be tolerated!
- Try to limit OOC rule breaks the best you can, we will inform our members about all correct rules and keep them in check.
- Let others voice their opinion.

Family Ranks:
Rank 10: Boss - Leader - Looks over everything. Events, financial activity, etc.
Rank 9: Underboss - Takes over when the Boss is not available. Calls shots and is trustworthy.
Rank 8: Communications - Speaks to people and does a lot of the networking.
Rank 7: Turfer - Focus on Spheres of Influence and is our go-to when we need to win events.
Rank 6: Enforcer - Gets the rest of the family together and ready for events and activities.
Rank 5: Supplier - Supplier does most of the farming work - in this case: nourishing and cowshed along with businessmen.
Rank 4: Hitman - Gunners , they are our extra firepower.
Rank 3: Trustee - Helps out anybody in the family who is in need.
Rank 2: Runner - Is our lookout and feeds us information.
Rank 1: Associate - New recruit - they show us if they are worthy to be fully involved.

- Get active Hitmans and Suppliers within the community.
- Create a good functioning team ready to take on other families in entrepreneurship and events.
- Reach family level 3, which we have already achieved.
- Get our name known in a positive manner.

- Show people that you can start from anywhere and still be successful.
- Teach associates what dedication and loyalty gets you.
- Becoming the most sought after family , everybody would want to join.
- Have as many businesses as possible.
- Reach and maintain top 10 in family rankings, with big dreams- top 5.
- Maintain all of our business: Cowshed, Parking, Gas Station

Family Clothes of Rae Mafia:
Green / Blue / Black Long Sleeve
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