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Full Name: Iso Marine
Iso Marine | 50591
DOB: 10/5/2004
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the outskirts of Malaysia
Current Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Unknown
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 94 kg
Natural Hair Colour: Blonde
Natural Eye Colour: Black
Growing up
Iso grew up in a run-down orphanage where children were treated badly. Due to the emotional and physical trauma experienced, Iso started to hallucinate and hear voices in his head.
After 9 years of continuous torture, Iso grew the courage to escape the orphanage to find a better life. Through the treacherous terrain and harsh conditions, Iso managed to reach a small village where he found a few friendly locals and found solace in them.
Iso decided to enroll in a school for some education but realised really quickly that he was smarter than anyone in his class - this made him rethink what he wanted to do next.
Iso looked up to the village chief, Aunty Lee as a Mother figure as she was the most caring and unselfish person he met.
Iso stayed by her side as she guided him through his early teenage years after leaving the school, she made him a better person. However, misfortune struck Aunty Lee suffered a stroke and sadly passed, this hurt Iso as she was the only family he had. Thus, after mourning - Iso went to work in a factory to earn his way out of poverty.
After a few years of hard work, Iso earned enough money to move away from his humble village and took a budget flight to Los Santos.
Current Situation
Having spent all his life savings on the flight ticket, Iso went to the streets to make money. Along the way, he stumbled upon a military base - and it so happened that day they were recruiting. Iso decided to join the National Guard in Edd Anas term to gain more experience about the city.
Through rigorous training, Iso gained the ability to shoot guns with precision aim. Iso decided to stay in NG for another 4 months, going through Kazuto's term as well and working his way up the ranks.
Iso decided to leave to do something different and decided to go to SAHP under Brian Shepards term.
During Isos' time in SAHP, he learned the legal laws of the city as well as the penal codes which are all useful knowledge. However, Iso didn't feel that SAHP was the right fit for him and decided to leave after 2 weeks.
Iso took a break and went to LifeInvader to make some money while trying to relax. During his time there, he met a corrupt EMS employee at a talent show and offered Iso the formula for a truth serum in exchange for a vote. Iso took the deal as he felt it would be useful in the future.
After 3 months, Iso transferred to Government under MamaBlus term to look for a new job prospect. He was offered the job as a Director of FPS and learned the inner workings of the Government and the politics that came with it.
After working for 2 months, Iso was offered MHS and then Deputy for the temporary Government and he took those position to the best of his ability. Iso decided to move to FIB after 4 months in Government. Under Director Muz Trappy, Iso worked as HOD of UC for 2 weeks - gathering vital intel and catching wanted criminals.
However, he felt bored of the job and decided to explore the illegal side of the city. Thus, this led to Iso joining Bloods - the following days in Bloods, Iso gained the street knowledge due to talking and making connections within the gangs. Thus, earning the respect of his peers. After 2 months in Bloods, Iso decided its time
to go back to the legal side of things...
1. Iso is able to take bribes (up to $100k).
2. Iso is able to take on a 1v2 due to his extensive training in NG, SAHP, GOV and FIB.
3. Iso is able to pick up guns and ammunition from the ground for his own benefit. (Not in a gun fight)
4. Iso is able to use the blackmarket to buy and sell guns and ammunition for his personal benefit. (Not able to sell organisation weapons/items)
5. Iso is able to go to ghetto off duty to kill and rob people due to his street knowledge.
6. Iso is able to pay his informants for information (up to $100k)
7. Iso is able to hang around his gang friends in ghetto due to him being a past gang member.
8. Iso is able to smash suspects bodycam to stop them from recording (using /try)
9. Iso is able to plant drugs/illegal items on suspects to incriminate them.
10. Iso is able to take items from criminals for his own benefit.
11. Iso is able to torture and use truth serum on suspects for intel (using /try)
12. Iso can lie and manipulate the law to confuse LEOs and help his friends or family out of certain situations.
13. Iso is biased to his close friends and family and can turn a blind eye in certain situations and is able to take bribes from them. (up to $100k)
14. Iso can lie about his identity by pretending to be someone else if he feels its better for the organisation.
15. Iso can drive off road in order to get to places quicker with SUVs only. (No Non-RP Driving)
16. Iso can kill people on/off duty if they don't comply with his demands. (No RDM)
17. Iso can carry his org weapons/vests on and off duty so he can always respond to any situation quickly.
18. Iso can use drugs to numb the pain while on duty.
19. Iso keeps his radio on him 24/7 to listen to NG calls while not on duty.
20. Iso has a electronically enhanced contact lenses that he wears to record 24/7 and its connected to his own personal cloud - needs to be turned on every morning via his phone.
21. Iso is able to lie to suspects about calling a lawyer even when he says he's calling for one.
22. Iso is able to attend family events and do illegal activities with them.
23. Iso is able to hack the mainframe of DOC to cause a prison break.
24. Iso can search anyones trunk for personal profit by breaking into their trunk (/do)
25. Iso is able to use illegal weapons while on duty.
26. Iso has a PDA which is automatically connects to the NG cloud.
27. Iso doesn't follow any law while arresting a criminal, he doesn't show his ID, read rights or provide a lawyer.
28. Iso is able to wear a personal balaclava to conceal his identity while off-duty.
29. Iso is able to do any illegal activities (must not involve LEOs).
30. Iso has learned of multiple ways to escape being taken hostage which includes lockpicking, window breaking, and jamming the door when it shuts so it doesn't lock. (/try)
Iso Marine | 50591
DOB: 10/5/2004
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the outskirts of Malaysia
Current Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Unknown
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 94 kg
Natural Hair Colour: Blonde
Natural Eye Colour: Black
Growing up
Iso grew up in a run-down orphanage where children were treated badly. Due to the emotional and physical trauma experienced, Iso started to hallucinate and hear voices in his head.
After 9 years of continuous torture, Iso grew the courage to escape the orphanage to find a better life. Through the treacherous terrain and harsh conditions, Iso managed to reach a small village where he found a few friendly locals and found solace in them.
Iso decided to enroll in a school for some education but realised really quickly that he was smarter than anyone in his class - this made him rethink what he wanted to do next.
Iso looked up to the village chief, Aunty Lee as a Mother figure as she was the most caring and unselfish person he met.
Iso stayed by her side as she guided him through his early teenage years after leaving the school, she made him a better person. However, misfortune struck Aunty Lee suffered a stroke and sadly passed, this hurt Iso as she was the only family he had. Thus, after mourning - Iso went to work in a factory to earn his way out of poverty.
After a few years of hard work, Iso earned enough money to move away from his humble village and took a budget flight to Los Santos.
Current Situation
Having spent all his life savings on the flight ticket, Iso went to the streets to make money. Along the way, he stumbled upon a military base - and it so happened that day they were recruiting. Iso decided to join the National Guard in Edd Anas term to gain more experience about the city.
Through rigorous training, Iso gained the ability to shoot guns with precision aim. Iso decided to stay in NG for another 4 months, going through Kazuto's term as well and working his way up the ranks.
Iso decided to leave to do something different and decided to go to SAHP under Brian Shepards term.
During Isos' time in SAHP, he learned the legal laws of the city as well as the penal codes which are all useful knowledge. However, Iso didn't feel that SAHP was the right fit for him and decided to leave after 2 weeks.
Iso took a break and went to LifeInvader to make some money while trying to relax. During his time there, he met a corrupt EMS employee at a talent show and offered Iso the formula for a truth serum in exchange for a vote. Iso took the deal as he felt it would be useful in the future.
After 3 months, Iso transferred to Government under MamaBlus term to look for a new job prospect. He was offered the job as a Director of FPS and learned the inner workings of the Government and the politics that came with it.
After working for 2 months, Iso was offered MHS and then Deputy for the temporary Government and he took those position to the best of his ability. Iso decided to move to FIB after 4 months in Government. Under Director Muz Trappy, Iso worked as HOD of UC for 2 weeks - gathering vital intel and catching wanted criminals.
However, he felt bored of the job and decided to explore the illegal side of the city. Thus, this led to Iso joining Bloods - the following days in Bloods, Iso gained the street knowledge due to talking and making connections within the gangs. Thus, earning the respect of his peers. After 2 months in Bloods, Iso decided its time
to go back to the legal side of things...
1. Iso is able to take bribes (up to $100k).
2. Iso is able to take on a 1v2 due to his extensive training in NG, SAHP, GOV and FIB.
3. Iso is able to pick up guns and ammunition from the ground for his own benefit. (Not in a gun fight)
4. Iso is able to use the blackmarket to buy and sell guns and ammunition for his personal benefit. (Not able to sell organisation weapons/items)
5. Iso is able to go to ghetto off duty to kill and rob people due to his street knowledge.
6. Iso is able to pay his informants for information (up to $100k)
7. Iso is able to hang around his gang friends in ghetto due to him being a past gang member.
8. Iso is able to smash suspects bodycam to stop them from recording (using /try)
9. Iso is able to plant drugs/illegal items on suspects to incriminate them.
10. Iso is able to take items from criminals for his own benefit.
11. Iso is able to torture and use truth serum on suspects for intel (using /try)
12. Iso can lie and manipulate the law to confuse LEOs and help his friends or family out of certain situations.
13. Iso is biased to his close friends and family and can turn a blind eye in certain situations and is able to take bribes from them. (up to $100k)
14. Iso can lie about his identity by pretending to be someone else if he feels its better for the organisation.
15. Iso can drive off road in order to get to places quicker with SUVs only. (No Non-RP Driving)
16. Iso can kill people on/off duty if they don't comply with his demands. (No RDM)
17. Iso can carry his org weapons/vests on and off duty so he can always respond to any situation quickly.
18. Iso can use drugs to numb the pain while on duty.
19. Iso keeps his radio on him 24/7 to listen to NG calls while not on duty.
20. Iso has a electronically enhanced contact lenses that he wears to record 24/7 and its connected to his own personal cloud - needs to be turned on every morning via his phone.
21. Iso is able to lie to suspects about calling a lawyer even when he says he's calling for one.
22. Iso is able to attend family events and do illegal activities with them.
23. Iso is able to hack the mainframe of DOC to cause a prison break.
24. Iso can search anyones trunk for personal profit by breaking into their trunk (/do)
25. Iso is able to use illegal weapons while on duty.
26. Iso has a PDA which is automatically connects to the NG cloud.
27. Iso doesn't follow any law while arresting a criminal, he doesn't show his ID, read rights or provide a lawyer.
28. Iso is able to wear a personal balaclava to conceal his identity while off-duty.
29. Iso is able to do any illegal activities (must not involve LEOs).
30. Iso has learned of multiple ways to escape being taken hostage which includes lockpicking, window breaking, and jamming the door when it shuts so it doesn't lock. (/try)