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Tommy Shikaari

Dec 17, 2022
Name: Tommy Shikaari
DOB: 05-09-2003
Gender: Male
Nationality: Indian
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Punjab
Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Orphan
Weight: 185 LBS
Height: 6’3
Natural Eye Color: Light Brown
Natural Hair Color: Black

Life Growing Up

Tommy Shikaari is the only son in the family with a middle-class motive in Los Santos. being in a middle-class family it never bothered him because he was taught to be happy. For him, his dad was the backbone and the idol of himself. Tommy’s dad had many responsibilities but kept motivating his son and taught him that he should be orthodox and strict with his rules and ethics, he used to say to his son that the thing which keep a man active and alive is hope. His mom was the person that that use to help Tommy with his ups and down. Tommy and his mom had a different connection it was more than a mom son relationship, Tommy use to share his feeling with mom, and his mom use to help him how to react and what steps should be taken according to the situation.

Turning Point of the life

One day Tommy’s parents went for grocery shopping and Tommy was enjoying his day watching T.V with a cup of hot coffee, and at evening, he heard a bang at his door and when he opened the door his uncle was standing outside and he said "your mom and dad are no more " this shattered him down this made Tommy depressed, sad and de-motivated and he couldn't face the problem after some time Tommy ran far away from Los Santos. after few weeks Tommy got to know what happened with his parents. his mom and dad have been robbed by a gang of robbers, but his dad stood strong against the robbers, but the robbers pulled gun and shot his parents and ran away. after that he had a vision that he wants to be a cop and he trained himself to be strong physically and mentally he made himself to be clam in any situation he learned MMA and complete his self-defense training he had a motive that what ever happened with him should not experience with other individual. that's the reason he came to Los Santos.

Getting in the city
Upon coming to Los Santos, Tommy decided to join Government, get some basic knowledge of the work here in Los Santos. He worked with GOV for 14-15 weeks, extremely committed, with complete work and motivation to accomplish something.

Upon Joining FIB
One day, Tommy was recalled with all the bad memories. He was extremely sad, sorrowful, crying. He was clear that now he was desired to join FIB and catch all the criminals and robbers who were performing the things like individuals did in his borough. He spent 2 years in FIB and then went for LSPD.

Joining the Los Santos Police Branch
Tommy joined LSPD with full education and dedication, he stuck the most criminals out of all of the LSPD in a small span of time. After LSPD, Tommy was back again to FIB, because he got so many drug dealers phone numbers and contacts that he could bust them out easily.

Re-joining FIB
On account of that then, Tommy is running in FIB. He was persevering his intention to finish crime out of the metropolis due to the fact he didn’t desire another individual to experience what he did.


  1. Due to Tommy serving in legal orgs for so much time and having the proper knowledge of self-defence, He can 1v2 easily. (Have to show fear when needed).
  2. Tommy can take items/guns from the criminal and keep it with himself.
  3. Tommy can take bribes upto $100.000
  4. Tommy can use illegal weapons on/off duty.
  5. Tommy can go to ghetto off duty for killing and robbing people. (Not against LEO’s)
  6. Tommy can truth Serum people to obtain information. (Using /try command only twice)
  7. Tommy can buy/sell personal weapons in the black market. (No organization Weapons)
  8. Tommy can hurt people to take out information from them
  9. Tommy can drive off road to get to places quicker. (No jumping of cliffs and all, no Non-RP Driving and no VDM)
  10. Tommy can break trunks of vehicles to search for illegal stuff (IC reason)
  11. Tommy can kill people if someone doesn’t listen to the demands given. (No RDM)
  12. Tommy has his bodycam on 24/7 and provide when needed.
  13. Tommy will have his radio on 24/7 even off duty to gather some information.
  14. Tommy can fight if he has his gun out, only if 2 guns are pointed at him. (No Fear-RP and Fail-RP)
  15. Tommy can lie about his identity for personal and organization benefits.
  16. Tommy can give drugs and or illegal items to people and arrest them.
  17. Tommy can participate in family events.
  18. Tommy can carry his organization guns on/off duty to respond quickly to a situation (if any). (Won’t use for Personal purposes)
  19. Tommy can destroy bodycams of officers/civilians to and smash them with /try (only twice)
  20. Tommy can use drugs/juices on/off duty.
  21. Tommy can use lethal force to save his loved ones.
  22. Tommy can do stuff that could help him financially (except for using orgs weapons for personal purposes and not breaking any server rule)
  23. Tommy can pick guns/ammunition while a gun is in his hand from the fallen targets. (Won’t forget to follow Gen Rule 6.6)
  24. Tommy can favour friends/family
  25. Tommy can threaten people and/or lawyers to move his way.
  26. Tommy can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer but still process them without really calling one.
  27. Tommy can help people break this prison with contracts.
  28. Tommy can be hostage for some money. (Max. $100k)
  29. Tommy can go to some riding/partying on/off duty with friends/family.
  30. Tommy can have illegal items in his trunk.
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Ani Pluxury

Aug 29, 2021
Bio Approved

However, Outcome 14: You still have to show fear when needed.
Outcome 17: Make sure you are not fighting against LEOs as family.
Outcome 21: Make sure you do not break Gen rule 6.15(RDM)
Outcome 27: You can have maximum bribes $100k
Outcome 29: Rejected

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY.
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