1. Your name IRL :Nourllah Al Abdullh
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: +04:00
4. Average online per day : 10 to 12 Hours
5. Your Discord : AbuElla#1346
6. Your Nickname : Abuella Tannus
7. Your ID : 198
Additional information
1- Leader Of LSPD
2- Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
1. Your name IRL :Nourllah Al Abdullh
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: +04:00
4. Average online per day : 10 to 12 Hours
5. Your Discord : AbuElla#1346
6. Your Nickname : Abuella Tannus
7. Your ID : 198
Additional information
1- Leader Of LSPD
2- Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
- My old experience in official ORG : Since my First time in the city i have join multiple places in different org and i have granted enough experience recently as a (Deputy leader, Chief of stuff) in FIB and LSPD as (Assistant Commissioner).
- Challenge my self : i want to lead and being responsible for one of the most important org which is LSPD to reorganize the best environment for the new officers in the city .
- Solve citizen and officers issue: As a citizen faced multiple trouble with LSPD and i hope to be a part to change this to ensure that will not happen again with another citizen by retrain and ensure the officers will be ready to go in city patrol.
- i want to make LSPD in another level by training in field with to be effective in city ( every experienced officer most take another fresh officer to learn in field and show him the level of difficulty and the level of dangerous he may face )
- Fighting favoritism and racism .
- Decrease level of corruption.
- Recruit high affianced trainers for the new officers.
- Team discipline ( ensure officers know what the officers working by taking a full report of every movement the will do).
- Special team for bad situation with high knowledge and High trained (Swat , K-9 Unite ).