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Batuflex Nacken

Nov 7, 2022
Family Name: Nacken
Family Owner:Batuflex Nacken ID:1357
Family House:608
Family Founder Discord: batuflex#0007
Family Owner Forum Link: Batuflex Nacken

Who is Nacken Family?
The Nacken family is a family that is jointly managed by 3 leaders. 5 years ago, Batuflex Nacken's family is captured by human smugglers. Years later, he realizes that his family's trail goes back to Los Santos. Batuflex Nacken, who wants to save his family and take revenge, starts to gather information about the organization that took an active role in all kinds of illegal operations of Los Santos with other family members and kidnapped his family. His ultimate goal is to save his family and take the ultimate revenge on the people who caused him this pain. He has sworn to destroy anyone who stands in his way.

Business Model of NACKEN Family
Nacken family, who took an active role in many illegal operations in order to find the organization that kidnapped his family, currently does not have a concrete business. However, having a large number of family members helps them a lot in finding money and getting new businesses.


Rankings of Nacken Family

Founder of the family

The one who decides in the absence of the leader.

Someone who is leading Raids and Biz war and they don’t break any rules

Persons who take an active part in the conduct of legal and illegal operations.

People who value their brothers more than themselves for our family

People who are new to our family and want to show their loyalty to us

Short and Long Term Plans
While this family aims to get to know the city and other families in a short time, create connections and expand their network; In the long term, Nacken family aims to be among the smartest and strongest families by owning all the gun shops in the city.

Rules of Nacken Family

-It is forbidden to curse people with Dark Nacken authority.
-Racism is prohibited.
-High-ranking people in the family should be listened to.
-Everyone in the family should be respectful to each other.
-Members cannot be recruited to the family, except for those who are not authorized.

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