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Pablo Montero

Feb 11, 2022
Name: Pablo Kirigaya
Age: 24
DOB: 18/10/1998
Nationality: Mexico
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Tijuana
Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Deceased
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 84 kg
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Facial Hair Color: Black

After being dropped several times on his head by nurses at birth Pablo stayed in a coma until he moved to Vice City in the early 2002s. His trauma caused him to have high IQ. He never knew his parents, never went to school yet spoke 5 languages. At 16 he was caught counting cards in Caligula’s Palace, Las Venturas, so he decided to move across the country to Los Santos before getting into trouble with the mob.

Once in Los Santos, Pablo was recruited by a man who worked in the government, after that secret service heard about his abilities, governed by Anthony Blu at the time. Under joey he started working as a secret service agent. His hard work quickly raised him amongst the ranks. Because of his high work standards and discipline in the government he quickly became a respected secret service agent. Under Poppy's leadership, Pablo quickly became the minister of homeland.

Time went by and Pablo became a well know guy and one of the most respected man in Los Santos, he served his country as a Minister of Homeland Security, Secretary of State, Deputy Governor. Head of department for FIB. Human Resources for LSPD.

and lastly Pablo became the current Chief of staff at GOV under Mikke Ross's term


1. Pablo has a hidden camera recording 24/7 as he knows evidence is important
2. Pablo can take items from criminals himself
3. Pablo can fight in 1 v 2 situation due to his training in USSS and FIB
4. Pablo can smash anyone's bodycam to stop them from recording him ( using /try only )
5. Pablo has the radio on him even off duty to gather information only
6. Pablo has access to the black market to buy and sell guns. ( no ORG guns )
7. Pablo can go into the ghetto off or on duty ( on duty with valid reason ) and ( off duty to visit his friends )
8. Pablo can kill or shoot people off or on duty if they dont comply with his first demand ( will not give a second warning only 1 time )
9. Pablo can go into the ghetto to shoot and rob people because of his lifestyle
10. Pablo can torture criminals for information
11. Pablo can carry ORG guns and vests off duty so he can respond to any situation quickly
12. Pablo can use drug's on duty to numb his pain and suffering
13. Pablo can plant drugs and illegal items on people to arrest them
14. Pablo can turn a blind eye if his friends a doing something illegal
15. Pablo can pay his informants inexchange for information
16. Pablo can lie about his identity and pretend to be someone else to protect him self
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