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Gokhan Oner

Dec 24, 2022
Family Name:Fake
Family Owner:Gokhan Oner#14998
Family House Number: 572
Family Owner Discord:
Gokhan Oner#3169
Family Owner Forum Link: Gokhan Oner

Family History:
Gokhan was working in a cruise ship when he was 18. When the ship anchored to Los Santos City, he just jumped out of the ship without anybody's permission. He started to make his own way by himself working as a construction worker during the day and taxi driver at night. Eventually, Gokhan made good network and a lot of money. Then he started to help other Turks who wanted to come and live in Los Santos. He was like a godfather for all the Turkish people in Los Santos. He bought a big house and many cars for his family members. The main focus of the family is now to get important positions in the government and take over Los Santos's administration, to make even more money and buy better goods for the family members and future Turks who want to make living in Los Santos

Family Rules: 1. No toxicty
2. Listen to the authorities
Don’t embarrass the family’s name
Everyone must obey the city rules

Family Ranks

Family Boss
9.Underboss: controls every family activity
8.Turfer:Leader of family turfer
7.Supervisor:they help family members, and there is always enough ammunition for the whole family in the trunk.
6.Lieutenant:Trusted family member
5.Sergeant:Member with experience in family wars.
4.Master Corporal:They are good shooter
3.Corporal: This rank can speak radio and use family vehicles
2.Recruit:people who know the government rules
1.Sack: New members of our family

Family Goals:
Grinding for Top 5 family.
2.To be the largest and most respected family in the city.
3.To win in all events.

Family Outfit:

Family Logo:

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