Family Name: Ruthless
Family House Number: 913
Leader: Efe Vuitton | 208355
Leaders Discord: İfi#2915
Leaders Forum: efe yenal
Family Story: After the Greek occupation of Izmir, a group determined to come together and take their city back, avoids some sabotage of the Greeks and escapes to Los Santos after the war is won, and our group continues to grow, but in Los Santos, their enemies do not decrease and they come face to face with the whole city.
Gang's Motto "there is no light without darkness"
1.Newbie: People new to the family
2.Dude: People who have been in the family for 2 weeks
3.Tecrübeli: Experienced: People who have been in the family for 3 weeks and people who have knowledge of the game
4.Ghetto: Participating in the robberies
5.Turf: Turf Team
6.Warlord: The one who leads all wars
7.Asistan: Person who helps newcomers to the family
8.Yönetici: Person in charge of vehicles, guns, bullets
9.Underboss: The person who manages the family in the absence of the founder
10.Boss: Founder and manager of the family
Goals :
1.Winning all the wars we've been in
2.Being the biggest family in the city
3.Include everyone among us
4.Introduce ourselves to everyone
5.Taking over the Drug Labs.
1.Discord participation is mandatory.
2.Everyone in the family must be respectful to each other.
3.Toxicity is completely forbidden
4.Stealing something from the family will result in a blacklist
5.Trolling is prohibited
6.Follow the server rules
Family Clothes: