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Dominic Peters

Dec 1, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Joe
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: GMT +00 (London)
4. Average online per day: 5 - 10
5. Your Discord: xNomZx#6059
6. Your Nickname: Dominic Peters
7. Your ID: 17482

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

After working my way up from Cadet up to Deputy Chief and Temp Chief of police in previous terms I feel that my experience in correct LSPD policies and procedures would allow me to properly command a superior unit of officers that will respect all organisations.

I want to make sure that our officers serve justice whilst complying with legislation, In honestly in my time in the city I feel leaders sometimes are just leaders for status or reward, However I feel that If I was to be considered that this will NOT be the case, As a leader I will make sure my officers are rewarded daily to the limits allowed including extra for the work they do as LSPD is quite a low paid role.

LSPD is my home, I have not felt in place since the last term and I want to make sure that this organisation is always doing what it should be and when. LSPD on TOP!

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

My advice would be to make sure that all officers are wearing professional uniform, Making sure that LSPD looks its best when they are attending events and out on patrol. All government legislation is followed including correct Department of Corrections procedures like mugshot and change the flow in which our officers process suspects to allow correct roleplay from the moment they are put in cuffs to the moment they are put in their jumpsuits.
All vehicles will be correctly managed officers on patrol using marked vehicles and making sure that our Prescence is known within the city and not using sports cars for their patrols.
Radios will be used correctly and professionally all radio calls are clear and concise and not to use this as a way of having a conversation like I have seen in most organisations.
The ranking structure would need to be adjusted to make sure there are correct divisions within the department. SWAT/Detective being an active and vital part of the organisation. But making sure that when they are not on events/operations that they are wearing patrol uniform.

Chanush Movva

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Dec 15, 2022
chill and honest guy knows everything he is gonna be best leader
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