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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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George Tawil
Administrators nickname
Darkov Zero
Dec 29, 2022


Nov 17, 2022
I and Moe Shelby (16570) are in the FIB and while we were on our way to the HQ I saw a box on the map with a navigator leading me to it so I told Moe lets go check that out I never knew what that is and I am curious, so he said yeah let's check it out, we drove there then there was a big box coming from the sky so we went out of the car to check it and it was the candy box thing. We were just vibing with this Christmas event and all. It took us only 3 minutes to get out of there and continue our duty.

Directly after that, we had an atm robbery call, we headed there and took the suspect to jail. I processed him as usual and while I was talking with Moe in the prison after that we received a warning from Darkov Zero for State 5.5. I was so shocked because we didn't break that rule and instantly sent Darkov a message. He was like go make a complaint. I tried just to understand the issue but he was so strict.

5-10 minutes after that he removed the warning and gave us a different warning for State 5.11. I asked him how could he do that, he said because he changed the rule. So professional. So apparently he was mad because we went with a FIB car to that event which should be available to all the citizens including the LEO. It's Christmas time and I think after doing our Duty for so long and trying to keep the city clean, we deserve 3 minutes of Christmas joy. This shouldn't be considered for personal use. Personal use is when I go grab something from my house not when I shortly attend a Christmas event without me even knowing that it is an event just to look at the people and have 3 minutes of fun.

I have a couple of questions:
1- Why didn't he at first say anything about it being a mistake about the rule when I told him about we were not in the ghetto? (you can see this in the attached media)
2- Is he allowed to normally change the warning reason like that and restart my jail time?
3- According to the State Rules: 5.11 is a verbal warning to the org. I don't see anything that says it is also a warning to the person. Shouldn't we stick to the rules issued by the state or are we now inventing new rules?
4- If I want to attend the candy event, should I really go off duty for that? Isn't it an event for the whole server to enjoy this time of the year? Or he couldn't let that go..

At this point, I feel you are just giving us hard time playing this game and keeping us in fear about everything we are doing. In the end, it is a game, and games are meant to be fun and nice. Not to be a place where people just want to use their virtual power over others and make their day bad.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Punishment is Completely correct and fair, Personal use of org vehicle is forbidden for LEOs and you clearly used it for personal use, and the admin at first placed the wrong rule number then changed it to correct one which happens and its a normal thing.
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