Rejected - Admin Abuse / Powergaming / Fear RP / Non-RP Driving | ID 12528, 187
They came BACK, ICly. Admin changed to OOC AFTER being pulled over. This is undeniable abuse. If they are in a hurry doing admin stuff, they would have kept going. If they are doing admin stuff, why are they IC? What about ID 187? Even if the admin was OOC, he was not. He should have gotten out...
How is that even possible? Am I gonna go to court to sue the judge, jury and executioner? Of course I'm gonna lose.
This is not a threat, this is the absolute truth: No more donations. Not just from me. If we cannot protest with the truth, we need to with our wallet.
Someone other than James could recover the denied report to rectify the situation, but at this point I have little trust in the staff doing the right thing.
You know what really pisses me off about all this? We really try not to break any rules, and I am so proud of my family for constantly letting little things go in order to maintain RP and not cause any issues. Not gonna claim no one ever does anything wrong, but we do our best. I could throw dozens of reports here every day of people Fear RPing and Non-RP driving, but I can't be arsed with spending 1-3 hours of my own time on that.
But then something like this takes the cake. Why would we go through such effort, if even the admins won't? Answer me that at least.