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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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ibrahim sadat
Administrators nickname
Babu Pluxury
Jan 1, 2023

ibrahim sadat

Dec 16, 2022
I hope all of the respected admins are doing great and I wont be wasting there precious Time.
As you can see in my POV a cop stopped me when I was going to battleship( a gang event) and took me under arrest whereas you are allowed to take guns in that event from warehouse of gang and other than that he put a 40000 fine one me, Now he broke event rule 1.2 which states

It is forbidden to kill/rob/kidnap/etc. before the event starts(10 minutes before), during and 5 minutes after | Warn

which after confirming from other in-game admins I came to know the etc. means all the "stopping, taking hostage, ghetto clapping etc." If you take a closer look nor did the officer stopped me but he took me to prison and issued a fine on me of 40k which breaks the event rule 1.2 I didn't cut the recording, whole recording is there. If you see closely at the very start of recording I typed in chat coming to BS(Battleship) gang event where I was going and then marks it on map, it starts on 18:10 so how police officer took me to jail when I was going to event, After asking admins I was asked to put it in forums so here I am, But Respected admin Babu Pluxury rejected it in the following thread :

In the recording you can clearly see me going to event and when 7 mins left for event to start officer stopped me, he cant do it 10 mins before the event starts and 5 mins after it ends according to EVENT RULE 1.2, In such case my duty was to inform the officer I was going to event and I Did but without confirming it he took me to JAIL. Pls see the proofs and remove my 40k fines and I even said the officer 5 times that I m going to event but he still decided to break the event rule 1.2 ,so the officer will be given punishment pls see proofs so it will be more clear to you. Pls remove my 40 K fine and also that COP was a high command.

Thank you

Note : The situation starts 3:10 duration of video
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