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Jacob Brown

Oct 7, 2021
Identifier: Lord Jacob
DOB: 28/8/1993
Men's gender

London Is Home
Straight Sexuality
Birthplace: London
Grove Street, Los Santos, California
Parents: Adam And Lisa
Size: 131 lbs.
Size: 5,11
Natural brown-coloured eyes
Unnatural Brown-coloured hair

Growing up in life

Growing up, Lord Jaco had two parents who each loved each other very much. Billy was Lord Jacobs Younger brother when they were growing up they were not good brothers. When their parents got married, Lord Jaco and his brother grew much closer to one another. They both realised they shared a fascination for weapons and firearms. They went to college for almost five years to earn extra credits after learning about SAHP.

Getting Going

Lord Jaco , who arrived in this city in search of fresh chances, quickly rose through the ranks of the FIB thanks to his prior training in firearms. He also quickly outperformed his contemporaries, which made many of them dislike him.

Thoughts of Lord Jaco

Lord Jaco originally joined FIB with the intention of becoming a corrupt police officer because he disliked being constrained by the job he picked and wanted to go about things in his own way. He saw so much equipment that he wanted to take and use it for himself without any restrictions because he didn't enjoy using his own and preferred to use what was available to him in his job. Additionally, because he wasn't the richest person, he required some money for himself in order to maintain his standing in the world's hierarchy(main reason he became corrupt). He had a passion for murdering evildoers.

Training of Lord Jaco

Jaco can kill many targets with a gun in his hand thanks to his excellent training from when he was a little kid. He is a master with a gun and has almost perfect aim. He developed this skill since he was always passionate about doing it and wanted to consistently surpass his competitors. As a result of his constant study of the law and thorough knowledge of its regulations and procedures, he was able to get away with doing things that other people would never even consider doing. He always had a passion for the law.

Lord Jaco Joining The SAHP

Lord Jacos brother was a member of the LSPD who later changed his mind and joined the FIB, therefore he made the decision to transfer from the FIB to the SAHP in order to become all his brother was never able to be. He rapidly performed better than his peers again! And just like in the FIB, he swiftly rose to a very high status. Because of his quick mind and fighting prowess, he became a very skilled and idolised person in the SAHP. He gives and wants to ensure that others are not forced to live in the same environment.

1. Jaco Always has a small button that is actually a camera on his chest at all times that records as a body cam.
2. Jaco is bias towards family members.
3. Jaco has the ability to kill people on duty if they don't comply with his demands
4. Jaco can Kidnap anyone he wants to torture him and get information that might help for myself or org.
5. Jaco can make deals with people/detainees in exchange of cash (100k max)
6. Jaco can drive off road in order to get to places quicker with right type of vehicles.
7. Jaco Can take 100k max bribes.
8. Jaco keeps a hidden radio in his t-shirt 24/7 due to him being a SAHP Agent.
9. Jaco is able to search people without asking when he feels is needed.
10. Jaco is able to ask criminals for illegal weapons/items.
11. Jaco can take SAHP weapons off duty and use them but not store them vehicles or house warehouses and will return when finished using.
12. Jaco has learned multiple ways to escape being taken hostage which includes lockpicking and window breaking.
13. Jaco can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without identifying myself with the ID.
14. Jaco is able to use drugs on and off duty to fit the role of being a gangster while undercover.
15. Jaco can charge someone with a small charge that includes at least 1 Wanted star to someone if he wants to arrest them.
16. Jaco is able to accept contracts for breaking people out of prison.
17. Jaco can torture criminals in order to get intel, Basic human rights will not be violated.
18. Jaco can go ghetto off duty and kill and rob people.
19. If Jaco feels like it, he can take someone off the wanted list, lower their sentence and possibly let them walk free.
20. Jaco has the ability to break suspects bodycam.
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