Hi, My name is Provokke (Tony Dundee) id 2006 in the report. I would just like to clear some stuff up here. Now to this off I feel this should be an IC Issue on my side, to start off everything was IC and was followed appropriately, you were arrested for numerous reasons and then were told you were detained until we got EMS down to check you out as stated in the video shown in the evidence. We did not invite them we said they could come and stay outside as they were "Press". You continuously in the video Meta Gamed, Power Gamed and went OOC and mixed which was followed up by and will be reported. There was no harassment other than IC Jokes and fun RP from my existing character Tony Dundee. I fully understood what I was doing at the time of the IC stuff meaning the insults and everything. Nothing was against the rules meaning No parents were involved, no OOC insults, and no Racial or Homophobic slurs were said. And to finish this off I was not called down there, I and my fellow FIB Agent went down there looking for a wanted criminal and saw a crowd around you and you threaten IC'ly them. I do not know or affiliate with such 706. If you do have any problems with the RP after this report is finished, please let me know through DM's and I will make sure not to do it again. Thank you for reading.
- Tony Dundee