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DaZzy Federal

Nov 13, 2022
Name: DaZzy Pluxury
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Nationality: USA
Place of Birth: Vinewood
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Pink

Childhood: DaZzy was born in Vinewood. She Grew Up with His Mom and Dad. DaZzy Mom Was in EMS and her father is in LSPD. he got special training from his dad for self-defense which led him to have great Gun and Combat skills. She's parents didn't loved him that much. He was used to live alone because he dad only came to house every second month and his mom used to come in late at night. But once I saw my dad with a few a random guy and saw him gave money to the guy and got some weird stuff. So DaZzy decided to leave the house and start to make his own money and to join the LSPD

Career Story: Getting inspired from his parents DaZzy joined the EMS and got trained to be a Good Doctor. Serving 1 terms in the EMS, He joined LSPD as Patrol Officer and after His dedication Toward LSPD She Got Promoted to Assistant Chief and then She wants to become corrupt just like his dad and wants to make alot of money being corrupted.

1) DaZzy Has Special Eyeglasses Which Record Bodycam 24/7 and Is Always Active.

2) DaZzy keeps his org radio with him while off duty so he can respond during emergency situations/ Global if needed.

3) DaZzy brings his ID everywhere to help him in situations.

4) DaZzy can take bribes up to 100k to help out his family with money.

5) DaZzy can sell personal weapons at the black market or to people. (Only personal guns or vests)

6) DaZzy can pick up illegal guns from operations and sell them in Black Market.

7) Since DaZzy is an HC agent he is allowed to carry her equipment (cuffs, weapons, radio, mask(s)) at all times.

8) DaZzy Can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without calling a lawyer.

9) DaZzy is able to fight 1v2 because of his extensive LSPD training.

10) DaZzy can be a hostage with uniform for money.

11) DaZzy can torture people to get information out of them.

12) DaZzy is allowed to take some of the bribes up to 100k

13) DaZzy can take bodycams off of officers and civilians and smash them with /try.

14) DaZzy Can go to Ghetto while off duty/Undercover and hang out with he's old Criminal friends in illegal activities(including ones with tattoos)

15) DaZZy is biased towards Some friends and family members so can release them or reduce their sentences.

Ani Pluxury

Aug 29, 2021
Bio Approved

However, Outcome 2: Rejected
Outcome 7: Make sure you do not store org items in car's trunk or warehouse also do not use org items for personal use.
Outcome 9: You still have to show fear when needed.
Outcome 10: Max bribe upto 100k

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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