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Irwin Ray

Nov 9, 2022
Name: Irwin Ray
Age: 32
DOB: 25/11/1990
Nationality: Australian
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Australia
Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Missing
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 105 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde

Early Life:

Irwin and his parents left Australia and moved to Vice City when he was 5 years old. The ray family had a love for the ocean and thus had their own private ship in which they used to sail to Vice City. Irwin was always with his father ‘helping’ him fix and maintain the ship. His father was involved in an off the record ‘ghost division’ of operatives in Australia and would take his son out hunting all the time. Irwin attended school in Vice City and was always exceeding academic expectations. Some folk were not happy with how the Ray family were making a seamless transition into what was usually a grueling experience to enter the lands of neon lights, drugs and crime…

Young Adulthood:

One day while the family were out on the sea tracking elusive sea creatures, their ship was attacked by modern day pirates. These were not just random, rum guzzling lowlifes, this was a targeted attack. Before Irwin could make it out of his workshop below deck The pirates took his parents and dove below the waves in their submersible crafts without a trace.

Life after ‘That’ day:

Irwin used the teaching of his father to take to the streets of Vice City to find any information he could about the attack on his family. He worked his way through drug dealers, gang bangers and corrupt officials. He was able to get a small lead on a destination after using his father’s special truth serum Irwin learnt to make himself. That destination….Los Santos.

Irwin packed his things, loaded the ship and set sail. The seas were rough and unfortunately there was an immeasurable storm around the Los Santos area. Irwin’s ship the ‘Stinger’ didn’t survive the journey. The young sailor made it to shore, however his left eye wasn’t so lucky.

Life in Los Santos:

With nothing but his rucksack and his wits, Iwrin headed into the city to set up his new life, to find the answers he sought. Irwin is a man of sheer focus and determination. He knows information is power. All aspects of the city needed to be covered, but first, money needed to be made and his eye needed to be taken care of. Due to his obsession with being a tinkerer, he was able to make himself a cybernetic eye, complete with scanning and recording capabilities. Irwin started delivering parcels for DHL, he helped out at the local fire brigade, he used his skills in an aircraft to help deliver goods between LSIA and Sandy Shores. After some time he walked into LSPD HQ. If there were to ever be a good place for Irwin to use his fathers skillset he passed onto his son, it would be in the heart of the city's law enforcement.

Irwin started off as a mere patrol officer working the streets. After his long hours and dedication to the force, he was promoted to master corporal. Hard work and professionalism paid off as he later joined the detective unit and finally reached the place he needed to be….Captain of the Black Ops division. Like his father before him, Irwin was a ghost. He was cleaning the streets of the filth which was running rampant through the city, never backing down from any situation. He had to find answers.

He is now beginning his 3rd term in the LSPD as the second in command for black ops, the search continues for any information that could lead him to the disappearance of his parents.


1. Irwin can use Truth Serum on people by injecting them to obtain information. ( Using /try. Only twice per situation)
2. Irwin can take bribes up to 100k
3. Irwin brings his ID everywhere to help him in situations and always carries his handcuffs.
4. Irwin can do criminal activity with his family. (Will not fight against LEO’s)
5. Irwin can reduce jail time sentences, remove a person off the wanted list or even let them walk free if he decides to (Only friends/family members or people he really Likes)
6. Irwin can use his own personal weapons on duty. (Heavy weapons will not be used where they are not allowed)
7. Irwin can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without identifying myself with the ID and without a lawyer.
8. Irwin can buy or sell guns in places such as the black market to make money (Personal Weapons Only, org weapons will not be sold)
9. Irwin will use any weapon legal or illegal to defend himself in a shootout situation (Note: Org weapons will not be used for personal gain)
10. Irwin keeps a hidden radio on him 24/7.
11. Irwin is always connected to the LSPD cloud via his PDA.
12. Irwin can plant illegal items on people (frame them).
13. Irwin can go ghetto off duty to kill and rob people. (Ghetto rules apply)
14. Irwin always has his cybernetic eye recording and connected to his personal cloud service.
15. Irwin can do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)
16. Irwin Can wear his personal Balaclava to hide his identity when he is off duty
17. Irwin can shoot suspects off duty if they’re doing illegal activities. (No RDM)
18. Irwin can kidnap anyone who he wants to torture them and get information that might help myself or his org
19. Irwin can use illegal weapons on/off duty
20. Irwin can accept contracts for breaking people out of prison.( Max 100K )
21. Irwin can use drugs on and off duty as well as undercover to fit the role of being a gangster.
22. Irwin can attend to personal matters while on duty.
23. Irwin can ask criminals for illegal weapons/items
24. Irwin can take bodycams from officers and civilians and smash them with /try. (Only twice per cam)
25. Irwin can hurt people to get information out of them.( No RDM involved)
26. Irwin can take weapons off of criminals and use them for personal use.
27. Due to his training in Black Ops, Irwin can fight 1 v 2 if he already has his gun out (Fear will still be shown when applicable)
28. Irwin can off-road in appropriate vehicles. (No Unrealistic driving)
29. Irwin can offer to be a hostage for amounts up to 100k
30. Irwin can take criminals' weapons instead of confiscating them during processing.
31. Irwin can process people without confiscating items.
32. Irwin does not have to show his badge if he doesn't want to.
33. Irwin can loot guns and ammo from downed people. (Not while under fire)
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