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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Jan 10, 2023


Nov 24, 2022
I was standing in front of the Los Santos hospital and selling food like any other ordinary person. As a result, a man with a dubious appearance approached me and began demanding to park the car, referring to the fact that I was violating parking rules here. I thought that this was an ordinary person who decided to kick me out of my lucrative place. I asked him to tell me the number of the rule that I violated, since he wasn't even dressed as a policeman. I remind you that I initially thought he was referring to the traffic rule (RP rule) and I remind you that the other food track also violate parking rules because they are parked on pedestrian roads and near red lines․ After that, he continued to tell me to move the car, but I thought it was rp interaction and since he didn't look like a policeman, I started demanding to name the rule that I was violating. And then he just put me in jail for 60 minutes for UB parking, although I kind of stood realistically and just broke the traffic rules and the police should have fined me according to rp, just not put me in jail for unreality (I remind you that a car standing just in the wrong place does not violate the laws of physics, but only violates the rule of traffic rules). He didn't even introduce himself as an administrator, so I thought to the end that this was an ordinary player who decided to steal my place and who didn't even know the rules. I am ready to play this situation on rp because I initially perceived it as an rp process. And I also ask that my application be considered by an administrator with the nickname "Snowey Kray" but i will be glad to other administrators because you all are very professional, since it is characterized by increased adequacy. And sorry for record because i turn on it very late.

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
u cant stay in front of hospital entrance in no Parking area and sell food
next time u will get also warn + 180 mins of jail for blocking MD road and entrance
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