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Rejected EMS Corrupt Bio | Sami Kebabson | 11151

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Nov 15, 2022
Organization: EMS

Sami Kebabson
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Queens, USA
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black,Yellow
Tattoos: 1 Lower Arm
Strengths: Loyal, Honest, Close Combat , Marksman
Weakness: Ophidiophobia , Prickly , Get Bored Quickly

Life Story:
Sami, a recent medical school graduate, came from a humble background. Growing up in a family of limited means, he had always been motivated by a strong desire to succeed and make a better life for himself and his loved ones. He had a strong support system in his family, who encouraged and supported him throughout his journey to become a doctor.
Despite facing financial and personal challenges during his journey to medical school, Sami never lost sight of his goal. He was determined to help others and make a positive impact on the world as a medical professional. With that in mind, he worked tirelessly to earn his degree and finally graduated from medical school.
Upon graduation, Sami arrived at Pillbox Hospital in the city of Los Santos, ready to begin his career as an ambulance driver. His skills and dedication earned him a promotion to first responder, and he quickly proved himself to be a competent and reliable member of the team. However, working in the ghetto exposed him to the harsh realities of illegal weapons and drug trafficking, as well as the violence and exploitation that came with it. These experiences began to challenge his values and question his moral compass. Remembering the advice of his cousin, who said that wealth could be easily obtained through illegal means, Sami began to ponder if this is what he truly wanted out of his career and his life. He began to consider different options that could potentially offer a different kind of security and stability, however he was still struggling with the ethical and moral implications of that decision.

Career Story:
He has a medical career that spans several years, during which he has gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in emergency medicine.
Sami began his career as an emergency medical technician (EMT), where he learned the basic skills and knowledge needed to provide emergency medical care in the field. He then went on to become a paramedics, which allowed him to perform advanced medical procedures and provide advanced life support.
Throughout his career, Sami has been called upon to respond to a wide variety of emergencies, including car accidents, heart attacks, strokes, and even natural disasters. He has also received extensive training in advanced life support techniques, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation.
Despite the high-pressure and often chaotic nature of his job, Sami takes a calm and measured approach to emergency medicine, always striving to provide the best possible care to his patients. He is also dedicated to continuing his education and staying up to date with the latest medical advancements and technologies.
Sami is also a valuable member of the first responder community. He willingly participates in various trainings to improve his skills. He enjoys working as a team and his experience helps to lead the team in critical situations.
In short, Sami's medical career as a first responder is one characterized by hard work, dedication, and a commitment to providing the highest standard of care to his patients. His knowledge and expertise make him a valuable asset to the emergency medical services team.

Only Outcome:
1- Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)
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