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Optimus Wayne

Dec 12, 2022
Name: Optimus Wayne
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Los santos
Residence: Los Santos
Height : 6'0
weight : 90 kg
Hair colour : white

Born and brought up in CHAMBERLAIN HILLS. Optimus is smart from childhood. But because off his neighbourhood is doesn't have a good life. One day Optimus father is gone for buying groceires and got killed in gang war. Because of his father death his mother gone mad. And he is alone at the age of 10. After this Optimus start doing street race because he need money. After age of 16 a criminal boss aka kingpin of los santos contact him. First Optimus rejected the all and said that i am not interested at all. But after some time kingpin of los santos visited him personally and tell him that his father not die accidentally one cop killed him because he need someone to put charge.Now Optimus have hate for police he geared up and going to go gun blazing on cops but that kingpin tell him.If you want to destroy someone destroy him internally. Then kingpin of los santos use his contact and get Optimus in SAHP. Now Optimus get promotion quickly and start doing insider job for kingpin.And destroying SAHP from inside to evenge his father and mother.And how he is climbing ladder fast in SAHP.

1 . Optimus keeps his org radio with him while off duty so he can respond during emergency situations/ Global if needed.
2 . Optimus brings his ID everywhere to help him in situations.
3 . Optimus can sell personal weapons at the black market or to people. (Not org weapons and ammunation)
4 . Optimus can pick up illegal guns from operations and sell them in Black Market.
5 . Optimus can own a bunker to manufacture weapon and illegal stuff.
6 . Since Optimus is an HC he is allowed to carry his equipment (cuffs, weapons, radio, mask(s)) at all times.
7 . Optimus Can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without calling a lawyer.
8 . Optimus can 1 v 2 because of his gang past and no.1 shooter in academy.
9 . Optimus can take bribe max 100k .
10 . Optimus can drive a car fast because he is street racer in past.
11 . Optimus can plant illegal items on people and frame them and arrest them.
12 . Optimus can be a hostage with uniform for money.
13 . Optimus can kill people on/off duty if they don't comply with his demands.(Wont break Gen Rule 6.15)
14 . Optimus can use a gun without a serial number and not leave a trace.
15 . Optimus is biased towards Some friends and family members so can release them or reduce their sentences.
16 . Optimus can buy or sell Drugs in black market.
17 . Optimus Can torture criminals in order to get intel, keeping basic human rights in mind.
18 . Optimus Can go to Ghetto while off duty/Undercover and hang out with he's old Criminal friends in illegal activities (including ones with tattoos).
19 . Optimus can search anyone's trunks without any reason for personal profit by using breaking the trunk . (/try command)
20 . Optimus can take bodycams off of officers and civilians and smash them with /try.
21 . Optimus can sell inside information of SAHP and other llegal orgs for money.

Chris Mazoku

Jun 11, 2022
Bio Approved

Outcome 1: Rejected.

Outcome 3: Make sure you are not selling org items.
Outcome 4: Not in the middle of gunfight.
Outcome 6: Make sure you are not storing org items in car's trunks and warehouse also do not use org items for personal use.
Outcome 8: You still have to show fear when needed.
Outcome 11: Only if you have any IC reason.
Outcome 12: You can have maximum $100k as bribe.
Outcome 13: No fight against leos.
Outcome 18: Make sure not to go inside gang hq.
Outcome 19: Rejected.
Outcome 20: You can use /try maximum two times.
Outcome 21: You can have maximum $100k as bribe.

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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