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Your ID
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Anto DeBonanza
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jan 15, 2023
Time of violation

Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
This ID: 231630 Guy that i don't know, never met in my life or spoke with, he came to our house the whole purge, unprovoked, he kept coming back, he died 2-3 times, he came back last 30 seconds of purge and killed my girl, i went outside and killed him the last second of Purge, event ended, he came back immediately from MD not respecting NLR and waited at my door, as you can see in the POV i greeted him friendly, i asked why he was stalking, i wanted to show him my ID and name, i tried to communicate but he doesn't speak a word in english, he is turkish, very aggressive and offensive, he just kept screaming, VDM'd me, went out of his car, shotgun in hand and RDM'd me without literally a reason, i didnt even demand him to leave my property because i was trying to be friendly and nice.

He came back after killing me, took an ingrand picture on my dead body, said something in FL turkish, probably insulted me too, and went away, i came back from MD and found him waiting AGAIN in his car for the 10th time in a day, stalking me provoking for no reason, literal harassment, i once again approached nicely, i asked why do you keep coming back? I called an admin via ticket, Nathan Pluxury came, i asked Nathan to use the red tag to make the situation OOC, WE BOTH asked the guy to communicate in english and explain, to solve the issue, he didnt reply to admin nor to me, he legit can't play this ENGLISH server, we tried very hard to reason with him but nothing.

Im asking for a severe punishment for all the rule breaks above and for being a weirdo stalker for no reason.
He literally came to our house 10 times today!

He is a serial stalker! I REPORTED HIM IN January 11 for RDM without a reason, he got punished, now he came back stlaking us during the WHOLE PURGE AND AFTER PURGE! He is breaking RP IC rules by coming back constantly after he got banned last time, its pure OOC planned revenge, he will never stop stalking us unless an admin deals with him in turkish and he gets severely punished.

This is the OLD thread where i reported him the 11 January

Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
I don't say anything in Turkish there and before that you are doing meta gaming and you are still talking from somewhere in pov and why am I always getting punished
First of all you did speak FL in turkish, failed to interact, communicate and RP with me, failed to answer an ADMIN OOCly, second, you kept coming back 10 times all day to RDM at our house and harass, since the day you got banned from the previos report i did.

What im doing is not metagaming, thats not a pvp situation or rp situation, I simply got "unexpectedly" RDM'd while i was in a private voice call with my girl IRL-OOCly totally unrelated to the game, you probably wouldn't know tho, YOU came to MY PROPERTY, MY House to stalk and provoke us, and killed me, no metagaming situation.

"Why am i always getting punished"

Because You clearly dont know the server rules and how RP works, especially NLR or taking OOC frustration ICly and hunting down RDMing a specific person for days, the whole day. Go play GTA Online. You have several reports on you in less than a month you started playing.

Stop harassing us and stalking - RDMing get some mental help, LEARN ENGLISH and go enjoy the game without obsessing on two people that did nothing to you, i dont even know who you are.
You broke every basic rule of a RP server several times and you have several reports on you, you should be Blacklisted from the project.

Why am I wasting my time providing answers to a 2 digits IQ? Everything is self-explanatory. Take care.
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Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
You was CR him
you was also Mixing
Learn the difference between CR "Car Ramming" and stopping a car path by standing in-front as LEO, asking politely the reason of stalking and being in my property, not ramming his car meters behind with violence and speed.
He was leaving MY PRIVATE PROPERTY driveway, he was in MY PROPERTY and i stopped him, inside MY GATE to ask credentials and what his intentions were, since, he stalked us repeatedly and RDM'd us 10 times today, nobody asked btw, let the admin Nathan Pluxury decide, he is on it, already knows the situation, the suspect failed to answer direct questions whilist red admin tag on OOCly.

Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
They came back once again to provoke me and my girlfriend at our richman house, i will provide 2 POVs in a few minutes. This is getting out of hand is no longer a RDM problem, its stalking and provoking totally not RP, needs to be blacklisted.

Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
POV Proof happened 30 mins ago:

ID 240973 ilker yavuz
ID 231630 Keko Bilal (The guy that keeps stalking and coming back after last report ban)

VDM Provoking stalking harassing FL in turkish language in our private property house totally unprovoked for no reason.
They are 13 Years old and 6 Years old in the city, Demons family, which explains why they act like this.

231630 Needs to be blacklisted from the project both Main and Twink accounts, check his reports history and this stalking is unacceptable.
His friend 240973 which is now teaming up with him in this, needs to be punished for participating in stalking provoking AND VDMing as you can see in the POV posted above.

Another POV with the Admin call situation Nathan Pluxury will be uploaded very shortly. So you can see that he literally comes to our house 24/7 to provoke and what he said to the admin and what the admin said he will do.
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