I sold the bar because I wanted to purchase a gas station and wanted to get rid of it. My intentions were to never gift it. I previously tried selling my house for the market price and had no luck selling it whatsoever because everyone thought it was too expensive. So when I wanted to get rid of the bar I didn’t want to go through the same issue and not be able to sell it so I offered it for a reasonable price in which anyone would be able to purchase. The selling prices in the server at the moment have been less than usual as it’s been really hard to accumulate money. At first it was easier as we’d able to pay donations, however since we can’t now, earning money has been more challenging. I really hope to earn a lighter punishment than this. I’ve been playing the game for months and have so much experience in the game. I was able to join the FIB and recently become a leader of a family. Had I known what I was doing was forbidden I would have never done such a thing.