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Rejected Crazy S | Unofficial organization

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Nov 2, 2022
Leader: Sallan Asllan | 8656
Leader Discord: sallan#4663
Family Name: Crazy S
Family House: 968
Family Leader forum: Sallan

Family Logo.


Family Outfit.


Family Goals:

we are working to get more money and be the best family in the Los Santos also we are joining the events of the city to be the most dangerous family in the city

Family Rules:
1.Respect all family members.
2.Ranks are earned
3.It is forbidden to (afk) inside the family house.
4.Special family clothing must be worn at every event
5.You must listen to the ranks higher than you
6.Park family transport in green zones
7.Have fun

Family Ranks:
10_OWNER - Leader of the family.
9_CO-owner - Manages the family members and he has full permission to manage and manage the High Commands.
8_Director -Have all the authorization and most trusted in the family and who control all the informal events.
7_Financial boss - has permission to take care about people who want to raid.
6_boss - if there is no leader, he is the authorized person.
5_Supervisor - Who has business or who donated something to family.
4_head member - Has to care of new members of the family and teach them.
3_member plus - Attending family events.
2_member - The Members prove themself to the of the family.
1_new-habibi - New Member.

Family Story:
it is a mafia family known to pirate many dark cash, medications, and weapons in Los Santos. Coming to Los Santos to foster their business in Los Santos, this family discovers that there is a ton of dark cash, taken weapons, vehicle burglaries, and medication rulers around here.
The family, who is better than all and needs to make them manikins for themselves, conflicts with numerous mafia in the city and holds onto the organizations of numerous families in the city of Los Santos. Still up in the air to assume responsibility for the city, the family won't ever surrender.
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