- Joined
- Sep 1, 2022
- Messages
- 33
1. Your name IRL: Connor
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: UTC +1
4. Average online per day: 5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord JMCLARKIE#9965
6. Your Nickname: Jamie
7. Your ID: N/A
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1) I want to be leader of lspd because i believe that i have what it takes to make lspd on top. I hope to make lspd the funnest org in the city. I have been high command, many different ranks and divisions in lspd and throughout the terms i have served in both lspd and sahp i have seen lspd at its best and its worst. This helps me to understand what works well to ensure it is a fun but good org.
2) I will have a strict discipline system which will allow me and my hc team to make lspd the best of the best. i will have very high expectations for my officers and what they bring to the force.
3) I will make sure that their is strict rules for communicating information. I have been in many terms where people shout over each other and disobey their hc and i recognise that lspd cannot be ran like that.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Every week their will be a promotion ceremony where commited, hard working officers will be promoted. Our high command team will give me an idea on who to promote and who not to. Me and my deputy will also be checking badge logs,event logs etc to ensure that no hard workers are left unnoticed.
2. Their will be a strict punishment system that will be controlled by the IA division. There will be a sriking system in place. If an officer receives 3 strikes in 7 days they will be fired and blacklisted for 7 days.
3. My high command team will be the built up of smart, dedicated people who are always willing to help officers of any rank.. I will expect a lot from my hc and I don't expect them to receive any strikes or mess up. If any hc isn't fit for the job they will be demoted and i will find another hard working officer fit for the position.
4. I will make sure all of my officers are at event such as subs, hostage situations etc. If I see any officers not attending events they will receive strikes and risk being demoted. I have been in both legal and illegal organisations so I understand how both sides work.
5. I will have a LOA system in place. If an officer is not on LOA and they have been inactive for more than 3 days they will be fired from the organisation .
6 There will be 5 divisions:
Detectives: The Detectives divisions job is to collect evidence on gangs and families committing crime. Additionally, the Detectives division will track down and arrest wanted criminals similar to fib. They can collect evidence both in and out of uniform (undercover).
S.W.A.T: The S.W.A.T divisions job is to be the first responding team to events and they are in charge of the more tactical side of things such as shooting from the roofs at store robberies etc. They will carry special gear which will help them in gunfight situations.
Internal Affairs: The internal affairs division will be in charge of punishments. They will open an review cases/reports against officers and they will worm together to choose the appropriate punishment. They will check over all logs (ensure that logs are filled correctly), check inactivity of officers etc. The internal affairs division are not authorised to punish those of a higher rank than 'Head of ia' although they will review evidences etc against them. The punishment for ranks above head of ia will be up to me and the deputy.
FTD: The FTD division is in charge of doing applications, interviews, Hiring, trainings, etc. Their will be 2 phases of training and a
test which to pass the test each Rookie will have to upload 1 pov of fining a person or vehicle, towing a vehicle and a full arrest. Their will also be a quiz on internal rules.
Parking enforcement: The parking enforcement division will focus on fining and towing cars that are illegally parked. Parking enforcement will be separate to lspd (they cannot arrest only fine and tow vehicles) and the requirements of joining will be up to the leader of parking enforcements discretion.
7. The ranks I will have are below:
30. Chief of police
29. Deputy Chief
28.Chief of staff.
27.Head of IA
28. Head of FTD
27). Head of Detectives
26) Head of S.W.A.T
25) Head of parking enforcement
24)Deputy o IA
23)Deputy of FTD
22)Deputy of Detectives
21)Deputy of Parking enforcement
20) Deputy of S.W.A.T
19)Captain of Ia
18)Captain of Ftd
17) Captain of Detectives
16)Captain of S.W.A.T
15)Captain of Parking enforcement
13) FTD Specialist
12) IA Specialist
11) Staff seargent
10) Seargent
9) Senior corporal
8) Corporal
7 Lance Corporal
6) Senior patrol officer II
5)Senior patrol officer I
4)) Patrol officer II
3) Patrol officer I
2)Police Cadet
1. Your name IRL: Connor
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: UTC +1
4. Average online per day: 5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord JMCLARKIE#9965
6. Your Nickname: Jamie
7. Your ID: N/A
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1) I want to be leader of lspd because i believe that i have what it takes to make lspd on top. I hope to make lspd the funnest org in the city. I have been high command, many different ranks and divisions in lspd and throughout the terms i have served in both lspd and sahp i have seen lspd at its best and its worst. This helps me to understand what works well to ensure it is a fun but good org.
2) I will have a strict discipline system which will allow me and my hc team to make lspd the best of the best. i will have very high expectations for my officers and what they bring to the force.
3) I will make sure that their is strict rules for communicating information. I have been in many terms where people shout over each other and disobey their hc and i recognise that lspd cannot be ran like that.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Every week their will be a promotion ceremony where commited, hard working officers will be promoted. Our high command team will give me an idea on who to promote and who not to. Me and my deputy will also be checking badge logs,event logs etc to ensure that no hard workers are left unnoticed.
2. Their will be a strict punishment system that will be controlled by the IA division. There will be a sriking system in place. If an officer receives 3 strikes in 7 days they will be fired and blacklisted for 7 days.
3. My high command team will be the built up of smart, dedicated people who are always willing to help officers of any rank.. I will expect a lot from my hc and I don't expect them to receive any strikes or mess up. If any hc isn't fit for the job they will be demoted and i will find another hard working officer fit for the position.
4. I will make sure all of my officers are at event such as subs, hostage situations etc. If I see any officers not attending events they will receive strikes and risk being demoted. I have been in both legal and illegal organisations so I understand how both sides work.
5. I will have a LOA system in place. If an officer is not on LOA and they have been inactive for more than 3 days they will be fired from the organisation .
6 There will be 5 divisions:
Detectives: The Detectives divisions job is to collect evidence on gangs and families committing crime. Additionally, the Detectives division will track down and arrest wanted criminals similar to fib. They can collect evidence both in and out of uniform (undercover).
S.W.A.T: The S.W.A.T divisions job is to be the first responding team to events and they are in charge of the more tactical side of things such as shooting from the roofs at store robberies etc. They will carry special gear which will help them in gunfight situations.
Internal Affairs: The internal affairs division will be in charge of punishments. They will open an review cases/reports against officers and they will worm together to choose the appropriate punishment. They will check over all logs (ensure that logs are filled correctly), check inactivity of officers etc. The internal affairs division are not authorised to punish those of a higher rank than 'Head of ia' although they will review evidences etc against them. The punishment for ranks above head of ia will be up to me and the deputy.
FTD: The FTD division is in charge of doing applications, interviews, Hiring, trainings, etc. Their will be 2 phases of training and a
test which to pass the test each Rookie will have to upload 1 pov of fining a person or vehicle, towing a vehicle and a full arrest. Their will also be a quiz on internal rules.
Parking enforcement: The parking enforcement division will focus on fining and towing cars that are illegally parked. Parking enforcement will be separate to lspd (they cannot arrest only fine and tow vehicles) and the requirements of joining will be up to the leader of parking enforcements discretion.
7. The ranks I will have are below:
30. Chief of police
29. Deputy Chief
28.Chief of staff.
27.Head of IA
28. Head of FTD
27). Head of Detectives
26) Head of S.W.A.T
25) Head of parking enforcement
24)Deputy o IA
23)Deputy of FTD
22)Deputy of Detectives
21)Deputy of Parking enforcement
20) Deputy of S.W.A.T
19)Captain of Ia
18)Captain of Ftd
17) Captain of Detectives
16)Captain of S.W.A.T
15)Captain of Parking enforcement
13) FTD Specialist
12) IA Specialist
11) Staff seargent
10) Seargent
9) Senior corporal
8) Corporal
7 Lance Corporal
6) Senior patrol officer II
5)Senior patrol officer I
4)) Patrol officer II
3) Patrol officer I
2)Police Cadet