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Rejected Blancos | Unofficial Organization

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Benz Benzo

Apr 7, 2022
Blancos | Unofficial Org​

Family name: Blancos
Family owner: Benzo Blanco | 45
Family house number: 468
Family owner discord: Benz Benzo#5562
Family owner forum name: Benz Pro

Family logo:

Family history:

A friendship between two underground Drug- & Gundealers is the foundation of Blanco family. The two leaders met each other in the early 2000s by working together on various illegal deals in the early days of the city. Both leaders accumulated a significant network by working together against other Organisations in the same Business scheme.

After spending significant time in the city they decided that they want to start their own organisation, to increase influence and reputation within the city. Another major Reason for creating the Family was to get into Businesses with the Organistaion and start washing their Money from the early days. This family got backed by the network that both have built in the city over time.

Right now, is the time for Blancos to make a name for their selves and gain control over more and more businesses and sphere of influence in the city.

Family goals:
- Being known for their extreme wealth in the city
- Being organized and active
- Being feared and respected by other families
- Making alliances with other families
- Run dark market

Family rules:

- Don’t kill or rob other Family members
- Respect all family members
- Don't be toxic
- Follow all directions given to you from High Command
- Do not AFK within the family house, or near the family house
- Use the family radio only at times of importance
- We don’t tolerate any kind of discrimination or hateful speech (Racisms, Sexuality, etc.)
- Follow all server rules

Family ranks:

(1) Rookie
(2) Soldier
(3) Gangster
(4) Shooter
(5) Veteran
(6) Squad Captain
(7) Captain
(8) President
(9) Co-Leader
(10) Leader

Family Outfit:

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