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Approved Leadership of The Los Santos Police Department I Nick Blueberyy

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Nick Blueberyy

Jul 18, 2021

1. Nick
2. 18
3. EST
4. 3-12
5. Blueberyy#3636
6. Blueberyy
7. 80797

Additional information

1. Leader of The Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

1.1 Hello to the administrators and everyone reading my application. Before I begin, I'd want to briefly describe my prior work with law enforcement organisations so that everyone may understand why I want to lead the LSPD.

Los Santos Police Department: (LSPD)
-Chief of Staff
-Special Task Force Handler
-Special Task Force
-Commander of S.W.A.T. x4
-Commander of Detectives
-Head of IA
-Captain of S.W.A.T. x5
-Captain of FTO x3
-Lieutenant of FTO x5
-Lieutenant of S.W.A.T. x2
-State Attorney

Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB):

-Director (En3)
-Chief of Staff
-00 Handler
-00 Agent x4
-Head of Department Spec Ops x3
-Deputy Head of Department Spec Ops
-Deputy Head of Department Human Resources
-Executive supervisor of Spec Ops
-Supervisor of Spec Ops
-Supervisor of UC

San Andreas Highway Patrol
-Supervisor of S.W.A.T.

Following the list of all of my prior experiences comes my application and explanation of why I want to be the chief of police.


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1 Increase Activity.

What do I mean by Increase activity? I will explain in a short sentence below on what i mean by increase activities, Say the wrong moves being made as well as give a resolution to how to fix these mistakes.

The previous leader was very active within the LSPD, achieving great numbers and breaking records that had never been achieved before, but the High Command to regular officers as well as the High Command dispersed across several time zones were insufficiently taken care of. This is a serious error because in order for an organization to function properly, activity must take place both during the day and at night. Without a high command team that is appropriate for both time zones, things can quickly turn chaotic, and the organization may suffer severe consequences if the situation is not handled properly.

My Department's High Command Team will be split throughout all time zones to keep the departments active and to have enough High Command to operate the organization in the absence of the leader. I'll also make sure I have a deputy in the city at all times of the day. I'll also implement other bonus Systems for night shifts, such as $5,000 per hour pay for all on-duty officers from 0:00 to 4:00, plus additional bonuses for attending events ,Going to ATM Robbery's, answering hostage calls, etc. This is my main objective because it will encourage individuals to work harder and is a simple way to get money. It will also keep the organization alive.

2.2 Welcoming environment.

The LSPD is one of the first organizations to come to the mind of new citizens to the city, I have witnessed this as well as experienced this my self as The LSPD was doing a great job and setting a good example when I first came to the city, One of the reasons were because all of the officers were well trained on how to treat civilians respectfully and had a good toxic less environment inside LSPD. The LSPD has not been the best in recent times at communicating with both members of the public and those within the organization. If I'm chosen as the next chief of police, I'll establish a welcoming, understanding workplace that will set a positive example for the LSPD and make everyone else in the department happy. This is a huge part as if there is any sort of toxicity in any organization it can lead to lots of conflict with and without people from the organization which i the last thing we need, I believe some of the previous leaders have failed to follow this step and that was the reason to their shorter, less affective term within LSPD as a Leader.
Everyone should have the opportunity to serve and protect our city, which is why I will loosen the application requirements while still keeping them reasonable. This will make it better for all citizens to have the opportunity to protect and serve this city. I want to give all citizens the chance to be a part of the legal enforcement side. I don't want to turn away people's applications or dreams of serving for our city because they lack experience. The qualifications in the past have been set WAY too high, which causes a lot more people to join the unlawful side. If I succeed in my bid for leadership, I'll make sure that doesn't happen during my tenure.

2.3 Previous Leadership

As I mentioned above in this application, I previously served as the Director of FIB on Grand Roleplay Server En3. During this time, I faced numerous issues related to activity, rule violations, hiring the appropriate agents, etc. Since I have already had a leadership position and am familiar with the fundamentals required to manage an organization, I feel that I have a minor advantage over the other candidates. I made a lot of mistakes while serving as the FIB Director, which I am grateful about since it taught me how to lead better and how to avoid making the same mistakes again. With all of the knowledge I've outlined above, I've learned numerous ways to collaborate and perform well as a leader, and I believe that being given the opportunity to lead LSPD would allow me to work even harder and prove my self even further, break records, and ensure that everyone in LSPD has a good time overall.

2.4 Improved Divisions

Recently, the LSPD hasn't been the best when it comes to its divisions; the departments haven't gotten the help they need, and some divisions have gotten more focus than others. To maintain fairness and create a strong, effective organization, I think all divisions should receive the same level of attention. Without giving too much away, here is a list of the divisions I would lead LSPD with and a brief description of what they do:

Internal Affairs (IA)
-Issuing Strikes

-Firing people for breaking internal LSPD Rules
-Doing background checks weekly
-Doing License and Health insurance checks
-Review complaints on LSPD Officers and fix conflict within LSPD

Field Training Officers (FTO)
-Hiring and firing
-Training agents
-Make sure the org runs good
-Doing Open Recruitments

Special Weapons and Tactics(S.W.A.T.)

-Put out a good example for the tactical side of LSPD
-Fully trained and heavily armored for situations
-Negotiations certified
-Cannabis's busts
-The backbone of LSPD

Intelligence Bureau (IB)
-Drug Busts
-Gathering Evidence for gangs/family raids
-Cannabis's Busts
-Undercover ghetto patrol
-Weapons busts
-Assist FIB in Gathering Evidence

Public Relations:
-Communication with civilians
-Doing weekly events
-Communication with other state orgs
-publishing State posters

Parking Enforcement(PE)
-Towing the illegally parked cars
-Issue fines to illegally parked cars

Special Task Force(STF)
-Picked by COS+
-provide Assistance to IB Division as main priority
-Provide assistance in other departments when required to.

I'll be bringing back the weekly division bonus system, under which the chief of police will provide each division's head with a bonus of up to $500k per week, which they may then distribute as they see fit within their division.
Along with bonuses, I'll also introduce weekly department goals and strikes. If a department doesn't meet these standards, they will be subject to these punishments, and after three strikes, that division will receive a new Head/Commander.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.
3.1 Higher quality roleplay scenes

I'll make better use of the resources we have, like the stadium, to train my officers and increase roleplay. By doing so, we'll be able to engage in and create more roleplay scenarios while inspiring others to do the same. My officers will receive excellent training and instruction on how to produce realistic role-playing scenes for traffic stops, robberies, and other situations. Our not only promotes LSPD and establishes a strong roleplaying organization, but it also encourages roleplay and has the potential to enhance it on this server because the more roleplay you witness, the more motivated you will be.

3.2 Connection with Civilians

The reason for this is that the lack of roleplay recently is because the Legal Enforcement hasn't been in touch with everyone and has been remote, which is not what we want. If you look at my previous applications for leadership, you will see that this issue has always been there. Citizens shouldn't have to wonder or assume that we are simply sitting at our headquarters drinking coffee because we are never in touch and are just a bunch of lazy people; instead, they should be able to know what is happening and what actions we are taking to maintain the city secure for them. I am confident that my public relations team will help LSPD get the exposure it needs despite the amount of work it has been undertaking.
The major objective of my public relations team is to inform the public about what we are doing and how they can help as well as what they can do to keep themselves safe. The PR Team will also be creating posters and other materials about the LSPD and Legal Organizations in general. This has the potential to significantly enhance the roleplay because better roleplay results from increased contact between us.

That is my application on why i would like to be the Chief of Police, I apologize for my application not being as quality as it normally is.
To everyone who took their time and read this Lovely application i wish you all a very good day.

-Nick Blueberyy

Ruby Specter

We Get What We Deserve
Server Administrator
Sep 1, 2022
+ Good Leader Hope you get it Good Luck, Mate ❤

Lachlan Acee

Jan 1, 2023
Was fib director in en3 and term was great !. Give him another one !

Good luck !!!!


Dec 16, 2021
One of the great leader's that i have come across.

Fateh Grand

Jan 1, 2023
+ Don't know who you are but your application is really understandable and I hope you do what you say you will.
Good luck mate.

Bob Bonkers

~ Reviewing forums since 2022
Feb 24, 2022
Interview will be on 28/01/2023, at 18:00 Server Time, Join waiting room 15 minutes prior to the interview.
Contact me in discord for any questions that you have about the interview time.
Not making it to the interview for any reason, will result into failing the interview and rejection.​
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