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Dec 5, 2022
Your Name IRL. Med Ali
Your Age. 20
Time Zone. GMT +1
Average Online Daily. 5 hours a day
Your Discord. MEDDYZX#1292
Your Nickname. Meddy Cooper
Your ID. 230689
My Experiences:
Families : 9 Rank
Ballas : 5 Rank


1. i've been playing on multiple RP servers the entier time, i can see well that gangs in here aint getting along at all, i wanna make the marabunta gang an RP gang, take my gang players to arena, improve thier aim, make the gang fun.
2. i want reacting players, WICH, people who show up extermely fast in radio, people who want to actually roleplay a gangster, people who at least have a 3rd degree in english, and understand the rules.
3. now we speaking events, i dont want the gang to be so boring, i want my people to be together all the time, ex: cland and other gang events, group as 8 and attack a store with a hostage, robbing other people in ghetto, and why not make some great deals and RP senarios with other gangs?


RP senarios, people should be speaking instead of standing still in HQ, just like real life, otherwise aint gonna be working, listening to the High Commands and showing up after radio demands, if you wanna join a gang, make sure its your top 1 roleplay in the game otherwise dont, gangs are being extermely bad because people are not acting gangsters at all.
kick people who break rules will be the best to make the gang actually an RP gang and improve it, if not we make sure they get kicked for 3 days and they will be able to join , IF THEY" learnt frm thier mistake.
speaking english at least 3rd degree, if not its gonna be hard to be an RP org if we're not speaking the server languague wich is "ENGLISH"


- making the Marabunta gang an active gang with experianced ROLEPLAY players who will actually act gangster and do gang activies.
- owning the streets that belong to the Marabunta gang in story mode.
- having members who actually act RP, know RP, and understand rules and RP, i want people to be talking to each other helping each other in ghetto and avoiding getting robbed by grouping at 4 min before getting into ghetto.


Gang Unit
Jan 5, 2023
++BIG PLUSS FROM ME , this guy had done really well in families with me i hope he becomes a leader then we create an alliance and rule the whole ghetto


Dec 5, 2022
++BIG PLUSS FROM ME , this guy had done really well in families with me i hope he becomes a leader then we create an alliance and rule the whole ghetto
ye ye homie imma vote for you to if they give you the families and i get rejected i'll join you, otherwise you can join me if i get appplied, aand if we both do we make sure our gangs are allies, in ghetto and compete in events.


We dont have GODS,when we meet at irl streets dogs
Aug 22, 2022
NO way BIG -
As he said his exp was 9 at families , and if im right it was there were families was disbanded. What mean he was bad HC and cant handle gang correct how it must be. He need to get more experience as HC in few more gangs to get leadership. And i didnt see him active so much noone know him. to be leader u also ned to have foundation and rspect from ppls - i dont think so he has it.


Dec 5, 2022
NO way BIG -
As he said his exp was 9 at families , and if im right it was there were families was disbanded. What mean he was bad HC and cant handle gang correct how it must be. He need to get more experience as HC in few more gangs to get leadership. And i didnt see him active so much noone know him. to be leader u also ned to have foundation and rspect from ppls - i dont think so he has it.
i think you should stop lying, you're only saying this because i reported your gang, stop being so childish it does not serve anyone this is an RP game.


Gang Unit
Jan 5, 2023
NO way BIG -
As he said his exp was 9 at families , and if im right it was there were families was disbanded. What mean he was bad HC and cant handle gang correct how it must be. He need to get more experience as HC in few more gangs to get leadership. And i didnt see him active so much noone know him. to be leader u also ned to have foundation and rspect from ppls - i dont think so hhe
bro its not his fault he joined the gang after enosh got the gang in trouble he joined later and got hc due to his hard work hes a good guy dont make him bad for your beef you have with this guy


We dont have GODS,when we meet at irl streets dogs
Aug 22, 2022
Families : 9 Rank
Ballas : 5 Rank

What xperiencee u got there ? as rank 5 u only following orders and 99% of server can do it also 97% of 99 will make mistakes for forum report and 70% of 97 will repeat it in future.
As rank 9 at families - how long u hold this position ? 2 hours ? 2 days ? families just back and get disbanded ... Im not sure u have experience for Leadership and i gave advice to Try also some gangs and get more higher Ranks (mayb assistant?) ( TBH i know amazing Assistant who hlp to lead to Vagos when Richard leading . and he got ladership at gang. i think it as ballas ,but was disbanded... also as u can se not every good assistant can be grat lader. But u dont have deputy xperience... what u think u will do there ? just shoting? everyone here can press left button of mouse ... ) to understand how it working... - Bad expeeriences it is best experiences in ur life... and that what ur gang was disbanded dosnt mean u was bad. Just facts - u was not longer, u dont have enough respect for leadership , if u will get leader u will lose it soon cause noone will listen u and u dont have experiance as deputy. It is real hard paper work. To be leadeer aT rp srver it doesnt mean to play ... u playing only 10% of all of youR time in game 90 % u like a baby sitter ned to solve problems inside gang. beetweeen other gang. they must respect u.

Thats why im not sure u ready for it ... IMHO - what mean it is just my opinion ...

Relax ....
i think you should stop lying, you're only saying this because i reported your gang, stop being so childish it does not serve anyone this is an RP game.


We dont have GODS,when we meet at irl streets dogs
Aug 22, 2022
bro its not his fault he joined the gang after enosh got the gang in trouble he joined later and got hc due to his hard work hes a good guy dont make him bad for your beef you have with this guy
No i dont i just wrote what i saw in lasT 2 days with contact with this gang. A lot a loooooooooooooooot of rulebreaks. If he was HC and cant handle it it is big -
He need to try get more exp. Thats all


Gang Unit
Jan 5, 2023
No i dont i just wrote what i saw in lasT 2 days with contact with this gang. A lot a loooooooooooooooot of rulebreaks. If he was HC and cant handle it it is big -
He need to try get more exp. Thats all
fine i agree he needs a little more exp


Dec 5, 2022
No i dont i just wrote what i saw in lasT 2 days with contact with this gang. A lot a loooooooooooooooot of rulebreaks. If he was HC and cant handle it it is big -
He need to try get more exp. Thats all
?? in 4 days you want me to kick offline players and people who joined gang and barely come to hq? in cland u see 9 people and online they're like 54, nah, i cant go to e 46 member and kick them all for breaking the rules even tho when i interview players i always make sure i do RP senario with them (take them near the families apartments speak to them in privacy ask them what they going to offer act rough and tell them to show up when i demand on radio) anyways stop chat warrioring its not gonna help, im getting rejected or applied either ways.


We dont have GODS,when we meet at irl streets dogs
Aug 22, 2022
?? in 4 days you want me to kick offline players and people who joined gang and barely come to hq? in cland u see 9 people and online they're like 54, nah, i cant go to e 46 member and kick them all for breaking the rules even tho when i interview players i always make sure i do RP senario with them (take them near the families apartments speak to them in privacy ask them what they going to offer act rough and tell them to show up when i demand on radio) anyways stop chat warrioring its not gonna help, im getting rejected or applied either ways.
here coments open for everyone who have some to write. Why u so agressive to ppls who write negative ? U must to be ready to both ... and negative coments its best way to find weakness sides and work on it try to be better... Think about it.


Dec 5, 2022
here coments open for everyone who have some to write. Why u so agressive to ppls who write negative ? U must to be ready to both ... and negative coments its best way to find weakness sides and work on it try to be better... Think about it.
sry can not get effected i just dislike lying to people, now stop commenting ur spamming alot


Gang Unit
Jan 5, 2023
No i dont i just wrote what i saw in lasT 2 days with contact with this gang. A lot a loooooooooooooooot of rulebreaks. If he was HC and cant handle it it is big -
He need to try get more exp. Thats all
i was just supporting him new people should get a chance too thats it


Gang Unit
Jan 5, 2023
I can accept all things I can say that he has a little less exp then others but still his hard work makes him to the mark that's why I'm supporting him and i will.


We dont have GODS,when we meet at irl streets dogs
Aug 22, 2022

he posted all his rulebreaks and RP ignore. it is 10000% no.


We dont have GODS,when we meet at irl streets dogs
Aug 22, 2022
hehehe hater <3 <3 also i dont mind alot of people want me in thier gang im gonna be either in the marabunta or families. everyone loves me <3 and people like u r salty mmmmh <3
just play gamE u miXing and have a lot of mistakes what cant be acceptable as leader of any organisations .... u must see and feel where is borders of rp and real life... Im not hater but i hate whn ppls mixing... this mixing was reason of a lot situations where i lost family or ppls (in game) Thats what u cant understand u Revenge killing ppls for situations what u cant remember as RP line ... u mixing Hate to us in game for deaths with real life hate ... also u hate me for negative comment and start to spam in my profile wall - all just because u cant accpt negative , u cant accept that u was killed and its finished there ... at that situation .... because u cant controle urself in ur videos u showing how u ignoring grand rules ... u dont follow RP lines ,,, u write about Revenge what also can be punished ....

U hate me and balas for truth what we said and show to you ... For real comment - yes u dont have experinSe and all vidos what u made proof that u mneed to get 10 years more of experience because otherwise u just ruin gang u ruin his history and reputation ... and u wwill tak time of admins for this shit. RP can b amazing and interesteD .... we can be enemis in game but friends in real ... u think from ur point of view u need to live real all what happend in game...

Just relax ... Take deep breath ... and take more breath u need it more ... till u understand it all.
Peace ✌️;)
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