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Riku Hearts

Nov 17, 2021
Family Name : KAOS
Family Owner Name: Riku Hearts ID:#30
Family House Number : 574
Family Owner Discord : Saiyan#7068
Family Owner Forum Link : Riku Hearts

The KAOS family is mainly a group of retired influential people in the city (i.e. former gangsters, criminals, government and private institution leaders). The group was formed after the founding members, who were, and still are, influential in the city decided lay low for a while. These individuals are making a comeback in a new family, for a fresh start.

KAOS was all started when Don Hearts, Davante, and Riku wanted to form a brotherhood with each other of trusted and loyal members of the group, they all formed a plan, discussed what was going to be done, how it was going to be done, and at the end of the day, everything was laid out on a table, and they started messaging there connections, and cartel members they knew, they spoke about how KAOS will operate, how things will be done. Since they are all veterans to the city, and have experience leading, they knew how things were going to work, and how hard it will be to make a name for themselves. Considering they started off in the city getting robbed on their own doorsteps in the ghetto, to owning every Turf, to taking rank one in the city five different times, to winning family wars.

KAOS wants to recreate what they did in the past in Los Santos which was to be a respected, a well-known family, and to become the highest ranking family in the city. At the same time KAOS plans on taking control of majority of businesses throughout the city and wants to establish a strong warehouse to have enough fire arm power for those that oppose them.

Be a home for people in the city with different interests.
Be a fresh start for people in the city.

Rank high / continue to hold influence in the city

Current State

Currently, the family is brand new with only the veterans in it, but is rapidly growing as they have been participating in city events. The family is attending as many events as possible, and has been recruiting members regularly. We are encouraging our members every day to join various different organizations in the city so we can be as diverse as possible. We have many family cars for our members to use and weapons as well. We feel that the ability to steal, rob and attend more events will only help us achieve those goals.

Business Model
  • Maintaining KAOS owned businesses
  • Sale of ammunition and other black market items
  • Robbing people in the ghetto, Sandy Shores and Paleto
  • Incentives and bonuses given, and benefits offered to family members who farm raw materials (i.e. seeds, minerals, fish, timber, wires and more)

Descriptions of Ranks: (highest to lowest)
  • Boss – Leader. Oversees the entire family and its affairs. Ultimately has the last say in family-related decisions.
  • Advisor – Deputy Leader. Takes over during the absence of the leader. Has great influence in family affairs. The Deputy Leader is assigned to be a leader of a specific family role / function (Events, Strategists, Finance/Business, etc.)
  • Shot caller – Trusted members / upper echelon of the family. Has a specific family role/function assigned to them, and is required to actively and responsibly fulfil the role more than the other members. Has influence in family affairs.
  • Assassin – Trusted member not in upper echelon yet. Has a specific family role/function assigned to them, and is required to actively and responsibly fulfil the role.
  • Shooter – Members with the responsibility to assist the family with events and business operations. These people have shown they know their way around the city and are starting to put in an effort for the family as well.
  • Mercenary – Experienced members allowed participation in family events, affairs, and businesses. Members who are still learning the ropes but are no newbies to the city and family.
  • Initiate – New members of the family, and sometimes of the city, should gain the basic trust of the family, knowledge about the city, and show willingness to participate in events /contribute to the family to get promoted.

Colours: White & Black

Family Logo:

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