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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Chevi Ahkis
Administrators nickname
Rohit Garg
Feb 5, 2023
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iniQX06Ys1o , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpvof3uRChw , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpvof3uRChw

Chevi Odds

EX Deputy Chief of Police, Undersheriff
Oct 25, 2022
Good morning/evening person reviewing.
This post is a follow-up to actions of the administrator by the name of "Rohit Garg"
In which I believe is unfair, and has a biased outcome

In the first POV, you will see me, "226115" running on the lower levels of the hospital due to a ghetto patrol, (Officer Ivar had a code A which was out of his control)
I was down there to give demands and provide orders to my fellow officers during the patrol. (To follow my story, view the second POV)
According to my fellow officer, Sanza Navidson "262646", and several others Rohit gave them a verbal warning to stop shooting at their HQ, which LSPD and myself promptly instructed them to stop. As I am down there, I noticed some officers are shooting at a blood member who is shooting out of their HQ, noticing this, I quickly give the cease fire order and move to investigate and question the blood why he is shooting out of his HQ.
Rohit then appears and starts to speak with the three of us. The blood member then Clearly shoots out of his HQ multiple times while Rohit is in the area.

As of now the blood member has not been punished and a report to that is here: Pending review - Ghetto Rule 1.5 | 128995

In the second POV, officer Sanza Navidson "262646" does not fire a shot until 5:18 and that was the only shot he fired at their HQ. (My reasoning why he shot at the member was because Ivar was seen having a code A and firing at him, so this could be confusion or miscommunication) at 8:09 he is warned and demorganed.
I argue that he fired the one shot due to the shooting of Ivar and at 0:06 of the third POV, slowed to 0.75 the blood member fires the first shot out of HQ as well as 5:23 in the second POV the blood fires a shot out of his HQ (Slow the clip to 0.75)

In the third POV, Officer Harry Shade "168410" In 0:06 of the third POV, slowed to 0.75 the blood member fires the first shot out of HQ, harry interpreting this as a threat, and he is out of HQ fires one shot, injuring the blood. At 0:19, Rohit appears and verbally warns the LEOS there and states, "This is the last warning." but in the second POV, at 5:40 which is the same scene as the third POV, Rohit did not address the shot fired by the blood member.
At 2:30 in the third POV, Harry was warned and demorganed.

In conclusion, I believe that the punishments were unjust and should be removed due to it not being both parties being punished, and Rohit punishing the wrong people as the blood member shot multiple times |Even while he was present| outside his HQ, and arguably enough the officers only both shot once and were not firing before the verbal warning into the HQ or after the warning.

To the Admin Reviewing, I mean no disrespect or anything rude. I am merely fighting for what I believe is wrong and trying to speak up for those that have failed to do so.

Chevi Odds

EX Deputy Chief of Police, Undersheriff
Oct 25, 2022
Correction on the last part
"before the verbal warning" *and* "Or" after HQ
to make more sense :)

Nix Winterlove

Feb 3, 2023
I am one of the officers involved in the situation who got warned. This is to confirm what Chevi Ahkis said "(My reasoning why he shot at the member was because Ivar was seen having a code A and firing at him, so this could be confusion or miscommunication)". So, I want to provide full transparency of at the very least my actions during the entire situation. First I aimed my weapon at the bloods gang member purely to see if he was downed or not, because I could not understand what was happening with my high command officer on the ground continuously firing. Because the situation seemed off I held off on shooting without even knowing that was the bloods HQ, simply because from my perspective I did not identify the bloods gang member opening fire on us. Regardless I did misfire one shot into the ground next to the bloods gang member, but did not hit him as it was never my intention. Directly afterwards I heard a person saying to stop shooting and I did not know it was Admin Rohit, only afterwards when looking at bodycam footage, I found out about the verbal warning.

Lastly from my own view on the situation. While I completely understand and respect the choices of the admin team, it does seem like an excessive punishment. Simply on the basis that it was a total amount of two bullets fired from SAHP and not intentional full fire upon their HQ. Especially since we did not fire a single shot into bloods HQ after the verbal warning was given. Regardless of the outcome, it's been a learning experience enough for myself to further ascertain situations fully and wait or ask HC if I'm unsure.

Chevi Odds

EX Deputy Chief of Police, Undersheriff
Oct 25, 2022
Critical correction to proofs;

This is the third POV from harry

Rohit Garg

May 23, 2021
I give you the verbal warning to stop shooting at their HQ, but Still, I Have to Issue the warning because I can't ignore Rules Break About Blood they will get warned for this Also...!

Chevi Odds

EX Deputy Chief of Police, Undersheriff
Oct 25, 2022
I give you the verbal warning to stop shooting at their HQ, but Still, I Have to Issue the warning because I can't ignore Rules Break About Blood they will get warned for this Also...!
Thank you rohit, I only Made this to bring what I found was unfair to light but you have corrected that.
Thank you for your quick response and that was all I wanted To get out of this post
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