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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Emad Kamado
Feb 8, 2023

Nick Blueberyy

Jul 18, 2021
I hope you're all having a good day, everyone reading this appeal. I recently received a punishment for breaking General 6.2. Although it appears that I did this on purpose, I didn't. I'll describe what happened below and provide evidence as well.

To add more roleplay to the arresting process and make it less straightforward and routine for me and my friend Michael, we said we had a private lawyer and would like to contact him. They agreed, and they led me to the lawyer's room. My friend Michael soon left the game (I'm not sure if that was on purpose or not, but you can tell I didn't have a lawyer and was just trying to waste their time and call random people). But then, as I'm calling random people, my game randomly disconnects, so I try to fly back in again and go to FIB email and tell them I had a code while being arrested in the hopes that they would wait there. I am aware that it appears as though this was done intentionally and that I have previously received punishment for CL, but I can assure you that I have learned my lesson and will not repeat it. Before I head-popped the officer's pov, the officer also handcuffed me, and I was more than happy to spend that time in jail, which I did.
If it matters in this situation, the background noise is coming from my second keyboard, which I am unable to just silence.

I had nothing to do with what happened, and I had no way to stop it, therefore this situation was out of my hands. As a former organization leader with a significant impact on this server and people still looking up to me, I hate hurting roleplay because I know how much it affects any player and could demotivate them and ruin the roleplay experience on any roleplay server. Unfortunately, it appears to be very set up, but I can promise that I'll do my best to prevent this from happening again in the future. However, I can't make any other guarantees because some things are simply out of my control. The fact that I didn't CL is evident in the video, but that is all I can say and with everything that took place on my end.
I am a very active player in Grand RP; I Host daily global events that keep everyone busy and give them a reason to keep roleplaying and logging in every day in the hopes of earning money or having more fun. I kindly request that my warning and, if possible, my demorgan be removed as this would be the last thing that I would do. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience my side has created.

— Nick Blueberyy.

Nick Blueberyy

Jul 18, 2021
Note: I was messaging my friend on a different platform if he popped his head on purpose or not using another monitor and i didn't just type random things if that helps.
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