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Approved G3.1: DOC worker insults my OOC nationality twice | ID: 263015

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Your ID
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Laurie Tremblay
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Feb 12, 2023
Time of violation


Dec 25, 2022

If you watch the video, you will hear a guy call me a french bitch and a stinky quebecer. Insults like these are very common when I interact online, so why am I taking time of my day to make a report?

Let me explain why, insulting my nationality is where I draw the line.

Canada was a very popular country amongst the colonizers a few centuries ago, England, France, Spain we're racing to build their empires. After years of fighting on both lands, France lost Nouvelle-France (now Quebec) and other french colonies in North-America to England. The first attempt of eliminating the french canadians was in 1755, when they didn't believe they would convert to protestanism and plead allegence to the (english) King, they separated then scattered entire families throught the 13 colonies (east coast of USA) and Europe. youtube.com/ watch?v=9F23fgzNbO4
As Quebecers, we take a lot of pride in our resiliance, we made laws to protect our heritage and even in 2023 you can be successful speaking only french in North America!(10 milions french speakers and 350 milions english speakers approx.)

Nowadays, there is still a lot of langage-based discrimination, people don't get hired, don't get promoted or lose their jobs due to speaking french natively or having a french accent. It doesnt only happen outside of Quebec, it does even in french cities when the company is english.
Another bit of political history: we tried to be independant twice, we lost by 1% because of the english propaganda. Its ironic because then they wanted to eliminate us but now they want to keep us, the thing is, they want our land. They told us we would be poor if we separate, but we have so much ressources, we will not.
Since then, the english canadians use medias and social medias to spread hate speech towards us. Its hard to go one day without hearing insults or any type of defamatory comments.
Quebec-bashing has been denounced as dishonest, false, defamatory, prejudiced,racist, colonialist,or hate speech by many people of all origins and political colours in Quebec. (Anti-Quebec Sentiment in Wikepidia)

Now this guy, breaks server rules to go out of his way to insult me because of where I live.
I wonder where his hate comes from.

OOC insults + Racism

*I am aware that my nationality is not a race, the proper term to define his comments would be xenophobic, xenophobia is a sub-type to racism.

Xenophobia (from Ancient Greek ξένος (xénos) 'strange, foreign, alien', and φόβος (phóbos) 'fear')[1] is the fear or dislike of anything which is perceived as being foreign or strange.[2][3][4] It is an expression which is based on the perception that a conflict exists between an in-group and an out-group and it may manifest itself in suspicion of one group's activities by members of the other group, a desire to eliminate the presence of the group which is the target of suspicion, and fear of losing a national, ethnic, or racial identity.[5][6]

Timestamps first URL:
1st insult: 1:12
2nd insult 2:50

This is a complementary proof of voice:

Thank you for reading, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me :)
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