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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Kaptan Rage
Administrators nickname
Bobby Pluxury
Feb 13, 2023
I have lots of proof will send you in dms if you agree 👍🏻

Kaptan Rage💤

Oct 12, 2022
Hi Bobby,

I have been applying for adminship since en 3 was not launched and i got selected 2 times for interview but after that i got a 14 days ban for insulting ooc but it was reduced to 7 days and it stays bcz i lied to admin but didn't lied a single thing as you can check the forum and consider you decision.

and after this i applied for adminship again but i was told that i have talked rude in dms with others and i told her i dont talk this much rude with peoples in dm this was my first time. She told me that "By seeing how you speak to others in DM's from that post, in addition to Floki coming to the conclusion that you still lied to admins, we will not be accepting your applications at this time. Improve your behavior and prove you've learned from your mistakes and we can make consider your application in the future" yeah which i consider was absolutely was correct and after that i improved my roleplay and i try not to break rules of the server but suddenly after a few weeks on 23 dec i got a permanent ban which was shocking for me and i was for general rules 6.3 for stealing armory from the organization warehouse here the situation was that - This situation is linked with the first ban and i m not making fake stories if you want proofs i can provide you each and every proof so the situation was that when i got banned for 14 days for ooc reasons that was a chief of staff who abused me for no reason

So as u can see the date when i talked to him i talk in a nice way showed him my rank and suddenly he started abusing idk why and then he uploaded a forum on me which was even accepted as he unsended his most of the msgs from his side so that he can deceive me. After this "He blacklisted me from the FIB" and i was having armory in my backpack bcz i was working there and i suddenly got blacklisted so i was having the armory and i was banned as well for 7 days so i was having the armory in my backpack so after 7 days when i came back i was having the armory and then got to my apartment and putted all my armory there (as i didn't know that we can give it to god as i was told) so i was not familiar with that thing. After that i started working in SAHP and suddenly got a "Permanent ban" from neron hill for the situation. I hope you understood that situation that both the situations are linked and after also i kept applying for adminship but you guys didn't consider me as i didn't got a single punishment after that and its been more then a month but you didn't considered me bcz of my recent punishments. After that i got punishment for CL which was your decision that i did combat logging during the situation

In this forum you can see i have told in more detail.But i provided you the valid pov and i m sorry that i didn't provided the full pov bcz i saved that from instant replay i thought that my pov was valid and i will be unwarned but i didn't got that. Even though i am trying my best not to break any rules of the server but i am getting punishment for certain reasons.

ANOTHER PROJECT: I joined another project but that project was not even launched i also left that project and if you find me joining another projects you can directly blacklist me🙂

This is my request from Bobby Pluxury that please give me a chance for Adminship will show you how i have been improved. I can be a better admin if i break any rule you can directly blacklist me from the server please give me a chance .I have explained all my bans and if you think i have made a fake story i will send you every proof of that.

I hope you will remove my blacklist from the adminship,

Thanks you.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Senior took the Correct decision, and the decision came from me to not be accepted atm, so be active on EN3, keep your Punishment history clean and in future, Keep in mind future does not mean in 7 days or so, if active enough and punishment history is clean, can be decided then.
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