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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
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Rohan TheRivaL
Administrators nickname
Feb 13, 2023
https://imgur.com/a/cYiBY92 (https://imgur.com/a/KhGazeo)


Feb 1, 2023
I am Rohan TheRivaL ID: 25999, I have been banned for 60 days for the reason Lying to the admin, according to their POV. Now I will tell you all the situation happened, I was at the Debt collector suddenly our family got raided and we went to the bank for withdrawal and after that we went to the Black market and took some Ammunitions for the fam raid, after that when I putting my stuff in fam car Sultan, I saw Dessert Scarf in my inventory and after that I started driving to my fam house. When I reached near Bloods HQ, I saw admin announcement on left eye, and immediately I stopped my car and made a ticked that I have scarf in admin request, after that I found me dead near HQ, and Admin Rio Cassano arrived and healed me and he asked me to give the stuff back. I returned him the scarf, and asked Rio can I leave, he was saying something but was not audible to me atm. But later I was banned for the reason Lying to the admin. After that We had a detailed conversation on GRP Discord, and told all the situation that I was so confused because of Fam Raid, and I was literally having no Idea that Pants were too in my Inventory.
Respected Admins, I feel it was my leniency as I was in hurry because our fam got raided. I am extremely very sorry that I did not look my Inventory Properly. And the Pants were too in the bag.
If you feel that I am guilty, I request you for the Money Wipe and Unban Me Please.
And If you feel that I am not, please unban me and I will return the pants as I come in the City.
Rohan TheRivaL
ID: 25999

RivaL Marlega

Jan 8, 2023
Dear Admin, i also had a conversation with him, he was totally scared and confused at that moment. And he says he was so scared he did not looked at whole inventory he just look at the scarf and returned it back. He is also saying that he was not able to hear the Voice of Admin properly, because of his Background Noice at home. He is Really very sorry for not checking his inventory. Please give him his Last Chance. Thanks in Advance.
My self Rival Marlega, additional information he have been so helpful to me so far.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Will be Unbanned, Make sure it never happens again and pay attention to the admins Announcements!
and When you have been Unbanned, Provide The item to Either Me or any of the admins, any thing else other then that, Punishment Will return and Blacklisted.
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