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Rejected Government corrupt bio | Laura Hatake | 207865

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Karma Hatake

Sep 25, 2022
Name: Laura Hatake
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Nationality: Scottish
Place of Birth: Hokkaido, Japan
Sexuality: Pansexual
Eye color: Brown (wears coloured contacts)
Hair color: Blue (dyed)
Tattoos: Arms, legs, back, torso and neck
Strengths: Deception, parkour, unarmed combat
Weakness: Easily distracted, impatient, too direct

Life Story:
Laura was born in Japan to two very loving parents who quickly moved to Scotland. Her bad attitude developed at birth and since then she's been a manipulative little bastard to everyone she meets. She used her appearance and charisma to get through most of life, being sweet to everyone to their face then switching rapidly to get what she really wanted from them. Her wrap sheet started young by bribing teachers, holding kids hostage at knife point in the bathroom to steal their lunch money even pretending to cry so she can steal someone's phone or pickpocket them. The woman was in and out of youth detention centres until she met a young man who was so stupidly good it made her sick at first, until that sickness turned into love. The couple married young and eventually found themselves living in Estonia. Something was missing in her life, she missed the thrill and the feeling she got when causing trouble for other people. She snapped one day, buying a one way ticket to Los Santos and leaving her family behind. She started a new life for herself in the city, even getting a new husband. This life was going to be different, she had big plans. After years of silence from her ex husband, he showed up one day and demanded answers, she manipulated him into getting back together with her and even if she won't admit it she still loves him despite her constant cheating.

Career Story:
Laura started working at Government as a Government Trainee, starting from the very bottom she worked her way to getting promoted and became a Law Student however her ocular pat down was unrivalled and so she was transferred and promoted to DOC Senior Agent. She left the DOC after her exhusband moved to the city and got a job there. EMS was where Laura found herself next, getting fired after being caught with illegal guns and drugs, she decided to join the SS as she was itching to get into the field. The SS is where Laura flourished, working her way up from Agent to Director over multiple terms. She worked too hard at Government and left for a while, working at SAHP as a US Marshall. After a while she decided to return to the SS, accepting the role of Deputy Director.

1-Laura can do all illegal things.
2-Laura can accept bribes (of up to $10,000)
3-Laura can search suspects and LEOs for their bodycams, and destroy them by smashing them on the ground. (using /try 2 tries per situation)
4-Laura can refuse to show her ID to anyone that asks.
5-Laura can destroy her own bodycam by smashing it on the ground (using /try 2 tries per situation)
6-Laura can use any type of weapon on/off duty. (no org weapons off duty)
7-Laura can deny/lie to suspects about calling a lawyer since she is in government.
8-Laura can be unprofessional with suspects.
9-Laura can use drugs on duty.
10-Laura can help her family members and friends.
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