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Hamada Ninja

Nov 5, 2022
Information :

Your name IRL

- Ahmed Hamid

Your age
- 24 years old

Time zone
- GMT+1

Average online per day
- 14-16 hours

Your Discord
- !𝓣𝓗𝓔𝓛𝓔𝓖𝓔𝓝𝓓#2835 </@442630160823353345>

Your Nickname
- Hamada Legend

Your ID
- 10494

Additional information

Leader Of Life Invader

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I have spent countless hours in the city, and my experience has led to numerous job opportunities, including serving as a high commander in N.G and a captain in DOC. Through these roles, I gained valuable insights into effective supervision, and I am confident that I can build on this experience by becoming the leader of Life Invader (L.I.).

One person who inspires me is Carlo, who handed out awards on a daily basis. I want to follow in his footsteps and create more opportunities for recognition and reward for LI employees. By doing so, I hope to motivate and inspire them to take pride in their work and produce exceptional results.

If I become the CEO of LI, I plan to make promotion requirements more accessible and add more rewards. I believe that hard work should lead to more bonuses and promotions, and I will introduce an award for the Employee of the Month to recognize outstanding performance.

In addition to these initiatives, I also plan to create a group that will organize events in the city to foster interactions between LI employees and the community. This will allow us to communicate with citizens and show that LI is more than just an ad publishing company.

Overall, I believe that my leadership can create more job opportunities and ranks at LI, as well as more interactions and TV interviews. By creating a workplace culture that values hard work and rewards exceptional performance, I hope to inspire LI employees to produce their best work and become proud of what they do.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Hold weekly meetings with all employees to ensure that I listen to everyone's feedback and concerns.

Organize semi-daily fame or shame segments and prizes for TV street interviews with citizens to encourage more engagement and participation.

Create a new show called "Citizen Fued" to generate interest and excitement among players.

Overall, I believe that these initiatives will help to elevate the roleplay level in the organization and promote a more enjoyable and interactive experience for all involved.
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