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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Ghost Spirit
Administrators nickname
Chris Mazoku
Feb 20, 2023


Dec 31, 2022
You have asked for POV in previous which you said to show that armoury is glitched or I can’t return items I will show you what I mean I found pov I will provide it and I think I have explained situation better here for you to understand as with said I always thought that armoury is same as normal fam armoury you can take and return items from same page and never knew anything about it am a bit slow you can see I got confused there as when taken vest from Lspd you can always put them away from that same page but when you wanna put back guns and ammunitions there’s no option there to put there’s only to take and I’ve always returned a vest unless I have lost it in a global or anything like that can even check logs that can be a big proof there it’s never my intentions to steal it’s misunderstanding as I am just slow and didn’t know how to work the armoury just thought it would be like any fan armoury until it was explained first thing this morning by Skorpian Ghost and Daryl Scott in LSPD and they have taught me what to do please reconsider this Lebron after today I won’t be in any org again to avoid and trouble and I will keep my head down I never was a org type of guy so never knew how to work things such as armoury and logs and with logs only got to understand it when I joined Lspd back after a long time ago.
I am really hopping maybe this PoV makes thing a bit clear and I’ve been searching for any evidence I can get for you as am not happy being blacklisted from city :( please reconsider and look at it again I really don’t deserve this ban I simply didn’t know to work it please unban me.
From these screenshots link it to the pov it makes sense I just didn’t know as u could see there’s option to return in armoury for vest so I return everytime as you can see from logs but because no option to return guns and ammo I was getting confused. Which was made clear to me first thing in morning and they taught me what to do I have never ever had intentions violate rule 6.3 am just not used to being in orgs but yet I still get banned.😕

Zain Skorpean

Oct 3, 2022
You have asked for POV in previous which you said to show that armoury is glitched or I can’t return items I will show you what I mean I found pov I will provide it and I think I have explained situation better here for you to understand as with said I always thought that armoury is same as normal fam armoury you can take and return items from same page and never knew anything about it am a bit slow you can see I got confused there as when taken vest from Lspd you can always put them away from that same page but when you wanna put back guns and ammunitions there’s no option there to put there’s only to take and I’ve always returned a vest unless I have lost it in a global or anything like that can even check logs that can be a big proof there it’s never my intentions to steal it’s misunderstanding as I am just slow and didn’t know how to work the armoury just thought it would be like any fan armoury until it was explained first thing this morning by Skorpian Ghost and Daryl Scott in LSPD and they have taught me what to do please reconsider this Lebron after today I won’t be in any org again to avoid and trouble and I will keep my head down I never was a org type of guy so never knew how to work things such as armoury and logs and with logs only got to understand it when I joined Lspd back after a long time ago.
I am really hopping maybe this PoV makes thing a bit clear and I’ve been searching for any evidence I can get for you as am not happy being blacklisted from city :( please reconsider and look at it again I really don’t deserve this ban I simply didn’t know to work it please unban me.
From these screenshots link it to the pov it makes sense I just didn’t know as u could see there’s option to return in armoury for vest so I return everytime as you can see from logs but because no option to return guns and ammo I was getting confused. Which was made clear to me first thing in morning and they taught me what to do I have never ever had intentions violate rule 6.3 am just not used to being in orgs but yet I still get banned.😕
i know it was an mistake by him and we sort that matter out bcz he was not having perfect traning and he was confuse we gave him some guidance like i told him how to dispose guns.


Dec 31, 2022
I can vouch he came to me regarding this issue i helped him and its all sorted now, it was just a training issue
As you can see they even updated my logs to it being fixed to not cause issues and I even wanted to give them money even tho I didn’t know but I swear it’s not my intentions to do anything like that I have learned from some of the past I wouldn’t violate 6.3.

jamie mills

Jan 3, 2023
I am the LSPD leader ghost has only joined new and I admit he did not get a training and does not deserve this punishment what so ever and he has clearly provided the mistake in his logs on LSPD Emails that tells me he does not have any intentions to steal and simply didn't get the training he needs i hope to see you back in city Ghost and i apologize for this matter and we will promise this mistake don't happen again Lebron but from my point of view seeing this he should be given a chance and once again apologize for this mistake from our staff. the person who trained him harry has left the org and we was about to put him through retrain him the only thing he wasent shown is how to return stuff to the armory
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