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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Debo GypBoi
Administrators nickname
Bobby Margiela
Dec 28, 2021
11:30 am
https://youtu.be/aNc3BSV0tlM https://youtu.be/mmazLmbYB-8


Jun 5, 2021
- First I was not given 6 hours to respond with POV
- The original clip did not have the players reporting voice
- He was given demands to leave and he came
- He also spitted on us the first time walked into his house left through his garage walked to his car and said "shoot me motherfucker" and then spitted on us again. (This player broke general rule 6.9}
- The other players POV only provides him returning after we had gave him demands plus we still had a RP reason to kill him

aaron hernandez

Dec 28, 2021
im 30175 in this and me and my boy 4637 should not of been jailed and warned for the situtation i think its not fair that we didnt even have a chance to prove our innocents and that he and edit a clip to make us look bad when he broke a rule he can get banned for when he spit on us twice.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021
Providing a POV is when the situation is not clear and the judgment can not be take upon the persons POV, since its clear that you both started shooting inside the HQ without even Giving the Guys demands to leave while he was trying to enter his house which is in Families HQ that does not give you the rights to start a Random Death Match and you guys asked him to leave and he left in your own POVs so he complied but when he came back later on after finishing up his work at BM and tried to get into his house you both started a random death match and killed him without even RPing it or giving demands to him or saying didn't we tell you to leave and not come back.


Jun 5, 2021
Providing a POV is when the situation is not clear and the judgment can not be take upon the persons POV, since its clear that you both started shooting inside the HQ without even Giving the Guys demands to leave while he was trying to enter his house which is in Families HQ that does not give you the rights to start a Random Death Match and you guys asked him to leave and he left in your own POVs so he complied but when he came back later on after finishing up his work at BM and tried to get into his house you both started a random death match and killed him without even RPing it or giving demands to him or saying didn't we tell you to leave and not come back.
So we are going to ignore the fact he not only spittied on us once but twice and said some kill me and drove off and we sat there and waited for him to come back. How is it random deathmatch when for us we were still in a rp situation. He peeled off and 5 minutes didnt even go by before he came back. We literally waited for him to return and sure enough he did. He literally said "shoot me mf" then spitted and we stood there and when he came back we did so.


Jun 5, 2021
My understanding from this is that spitting is no longer considered as gross rp anymore and that even though I didnt leave the roleplay situation it ends because the other person did. He literally clipped it to make it seem like he did nothing wrong and we killed him for reason.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021
Spitting is Forbidden on a dead body or in any OOC event, and him saying kill me but he left when you gave the demands, he came back after a while that doesn't mean since you gave the demand once and he complied he cant come to his own house the whole day just because you gave him a demand on that day.
The Rule says
General Rule 6.8
it is restricted to do any amoral action in relation to an unconscious person (examples : Spitting, sexual animations and etc)
and in non of the clips you where unconscious.​

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021
and that's why the Forums are there, For players if they feel that they where sexually harassed or anything like that to take the POV there so the admins can watch and punish a person depending on the POV and the Proof and not to break the rule them selves just because another person broke any rule.​
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