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Vali Lucifer

Feb 4, 2023
Name: Vali Akatsuki

DOB: 25/07/2000

Gender: Male

Nationality: Indian

Sexuality: Straight

Parents : Rias Lucifer , Redro Lucifer (Decreased)

Place Of Birth: Mumbai, India

Current Residence: Singapore

Weight: 68 kg

height: 5.11 Feet

Natural Eye Color: Blue

Natural Hair Color: Blond

Life As A Child -

Vali is a kid of Indian and Singaporean and was loved by his both parents and raised by them. He never felt any disappointment in his life and lived a good , happy and luxurious life. He went go a good school and made a lot of friends due to his rich personality he made enemy's also. One day after a test he scored highest in his class one of his enemy started bullying him but due to a good reflexes he fought back and after that he was considered as a child of evil.

Growing up -

While Growing up he made a lot of friends with this he made enemy's also. He started practicing Hand to Hand combat and later started his shooting practice as well so that what happened to him as a child will not happen to him again in his life. With this one day he got a bad news that his father suicided due to false allegation.

Adult life -

Due to the loss of his father his mother decided to move to Singapore for his future. He studied hard to become a good lawyer so that what happened to him will never happen to other children's and save innocent people.

The Move -

He moved to Los Santos for his future in the initial he worked on a part time job like farming , fire fighter etc. He saw an AD in newspaper about National Guard recruiting new soldiers and then he saw start of his dream . Due to his good reflexes , a powerful person in hand to hand combat and a master rifle user he got selected in NG in no time.
He worked for NG for a long time and then he resigned from his post so that he can become a Lawyer and make his dream true. And he become a lawyer due to his knowledge in law and justice.


After Joining DOJ Vali Did A lot of Public Defender Cases and one day he gets the news that his mother has been killed by some theives and this was the movement realized that this is not strawberry world that he was thinking that the world is but this world is full of pain , suffering and fatality and after seeing this much pain he entered darkness and when off duty he goes to Ghetto and kill people for satisfaction of his revenge for his mother and father .

Outcomes -

1.Vali Can recieve Bribes (up to 100k)

2. Vali Can use truth serum (with /try command 2 times every rp)

3. Vali can lie about availability of lawyer.

4. Vali Can bring ID and lawyer license everywhere to help in certain situations

5. Vali Carrys work radio and PDA off duty to drop local for help whenever he needs it

6. Vali can go to ghetto off duty and shoot people for fun

7. Vali can use narcotics ON/OFF duty

8. Vali can lower sentences and wanted stars of friends/family members he trusts

9. Vali can allow himself to get taken hostage for intel or money. (max 100k)

10. Vali can plant evidence on detainee

11. Vali can pass illegal items to prisoners (guns, usb flash, drugs )

12. Vali can give less jail time to whoever he wants in exchange of intel or bribe.(bribe:100k max)

13. Vali can ask detainee to drop their weapons upon searching them and keep it to himself

14. Vali can buy/sell illegal stuff in black market. (Not from org)

15. Vali can pick up illegal guns once the gun fight is over.

16. Vali can use org radio while off duty.

Vali Lucifer

Feb 4, 2023
Updated Bio

17. Vali Can go to his house and other places for his personal work on duty (Will not enter Ghetto)

18. Vali can destroy bodycam of the suspect or officer (with /try max 2 times)
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Vali Lucifer

Feb 4, 2023
DOJ District Attorney
LSPD Federal Attorney

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