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Harry Sharma

Oct 13, 2022
Full Name: Harry sharma

Harry Sharma | 41036

DOB: 26/04/2003

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Place of Birth: India

Current Residence: Los Santos

Parents: Unknown

Height: 190 cm

Weight: 76 kg

Natural Hair Colour: Black

Natural Eye Colour: Black

I was born in India in a privilege Family then we moved to Los Santos because my dad got a new job over there as a kid i saw my dad working very hard with respect and honesty he was really dedicated he used to work alot and dedicate his whole day in working for LSPD sometimes he doesn't even come back home and used to do night shifts from his performance his leader decided to make him a HC because of some jealousy some corrupt officer said some fake allegations and fake proofs his respect was gone down and the leader decided to sentence him Jail for whole life for corruption after that my mom who used to work in EMS she was a nurse. she stopped after his marriage but because of the bad conditions she gone in EMS to get a Job but they decline him by saying your husband betrayed the city

Growing UP
then my mom decided to move to ghetto because of our financial condition then i grown up in ghetto i make a lot of friends and some of them were gang members also drug dealer in there supervision i have done some crime as participating in robbery once joined gangs i was making money from that one they my parents were rid of me and wants to leave this area and settle in city then forcely we went in city we started living in sandy shores then i decided to went through my father's footsteps then i decided to join LSPD were my dad used to work now i also want to take revenge and also need to help my friends who used to work with me in ghetto


1. Harry has an special camera in his eye which records 24/7

2. Harry can take bribes upto 100k

3. Harry Can make Offers/deals with people in exchange for Money and possibly Weapons

4. Harry can do take fight 1v2 as he has good experience in gangs and legals org (but need to show fear when needed)

5. Harry can carry his I'd and Radio off duty to get help when he is in trouble

6. Harry can go off duty/undercover in ghetto and kill people with his old friend and hangout also outside the ghetto (including ones with tattoos)

7. Harry can do prison break to realese his friend or family members

8. Harry can sell/buy Illigal items from black market(organization items not included)

9. Harry can break someone bodycam by using /try breaks the bodycam (only twice)if it doesn't work can kill them to break it (without doing RDM)

10. Harry Can use illigal items/firearms on duty/off duty

11. Harry can lie about lawyer availablity or deny to provide a lawyer

12. Harry can do illigal stuff off duty with his family members/friends (not against Leo's)

13. Harry can become a hostage if he is bribed, up to 100k

14. Harry can process others without reading Miranda Rights

15. Harry can use truth serum to get intel. (Using /try twice per situation)

16.Harry can loot guns and ammo from downed people can use it for personal purpose (Not while under fire)

17.Harry is always connected his PDA to LSPD Database

18.Harry can reduce jail time sentences, remove a person off the wanted list or even let them walk free if he decides to (Only friends/family members or people he really Likes)

19. Harry can use duct tape to shut someone's mouth if he is exposing that harry is corrupt

20. Harry can use memory loss syriem of last 30 min so that no one can expose him

21. Harry Can turn a blind eye if someone in his family or friends is doing something illegal on the streets

22.Harry can also process a suspect without confiscating the wepons

23. Harry can realese someone from prision for money (upto 100k)

24. Harry can deny to show his ID for safeguarding himself
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Chris Mazoku

Jun 11, 2022
Bio Approved

Outcome 1: Make sure to do proper Rp commands.

Outcome 2: No org items.
Outcome 4: You still have to show fear when needed.
Outcome 5: Make sure you don't attend events off-duty.
Outcome 6: Make sure you are not using any org items for personal use and you cannot go inside gang hq's.
Outcome 8: Make sure you are not selling any org items.
Outcome 9: Make sure to do /try command (Maximum two times) and you cannot kill him (No RDM).
Outcome 12: No fight against leos.
Outcome 15: Make sure to do /try command (Maximum two times).
Outcome 16: Not in the middle of the gunfight.
Outcome 17: Make sure to do proper Rp commands.
Outcome 19: Rejected.
Outcome 20: Rejected.
Outcome 24: Rejected.

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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