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- Sep 13, 2021
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Family Name: Yeagers
Family Owner: Sheen Yeager, ID: 224
Family House: 56
Family Founder Discord: Sheen Yeager ᛘ#3501
Family Owner Forum Link: Sheen Yeager
Who is The Yeagers?
The Yeagers are a group 2 of friends who have always been together and always wondered what it would be like to make a family. They have first started a family in Germany (Berlin) but that did not work out that well, since they barely had any time for the family and they did not know much about how to lead a family. Now they have moved to Austria (Vienna) where they have researched a lot about making a family and how it works. Now they are ready to really start a family again and they do not want to give up. They have many enemies in the city. Those enemys are all in 1 family. They want to get members, and raid their family to get revenge. They have a lot of things in mind to get revenge on all of the people that have been doing bad things to them.
Business Model of The Yeagers
The 2 leaders that have started the Yeagers, are both very rich. They both own a business which makes a lot of profit.
Rankings of The Yeagers
(10) Founder
The leader of the family, the person who has created the family and who has the most power out of all.
(9) Deputy Founder
The person who either is highly trusted or who created the family with the leader, also the Right-Hand of the family.
(8) Assassin
Helper of the Founer and Deputy Founder. He helps them with their things and is still a high rank.
(7) Event Leader
The person who leads all events and makes people come to events.
(6) Recruiter
A perosn who knows how to recruite people and who wants to recruit people to the family.
(5) Shooter
A person who comes to events regulary and barely shows lack of showing up to events.
(4) Learning-Shooter
A pearson who cannot shoot that good yet and is still training.
(3) Thug
A person who has the option to rob people as an unofficial organization, but needs to know all rules.
(2) Runner
A person who needs to come to events to get promotions and who is already in the family for a bit.
(1) Grinder
A new person in the family.
Plans for the Yeagers
The Yeagers plan to be one of the strongest familys that there are in the city,
Rules of the Yeagers
-It is forbidden to curse people OOC wisely.
-Racism is forbidden.
-People with high ranks in the family should be respected.
-Higher-ups should be listened to.
Family clothes
Only a blue shirt or hoodie.
Our Family Logo
Family Owner: Sheen Yeager, ID: 224
Family House: 56
Family Founder Discord: Sheen Yeager ᛘ#3501
Family Owner Forum Link: Sheen Yeager
Who is The Yeagers?
The Yeagers are a group 2 of friends who have always been together and always wondered what it would be like to make a family. They have first started a family in Germany (Berlin) but that did not work out that well, since they barely had any time for the family and they did not know much about how to lead a family. Now they have moved to Austria (Vienna) where they have researched a lot about making a family and how it works. Now they are ready to really start a family again and they do not want to give up. They have many enemies in the city. Those enemys are all in 1 family. They want to get members, and raid their family to get revenge. They have a lot of things in mind to get revenge on all of the people that have been doing bad things to them.
Business Model of The Yeagers
The 2 leaders that have started the Yeagers, are both very rich. They both own a business which makes a lot of profit.
Rankings of The Yeagers
(10) Founder
The leader of the family, the person who has created the family and who has the most power out of all.
(9) Deputy Founder
The person who either is highly trusted or who created the family with the leader, also the Right-Hand of the family.
(8) Assassin
Helper of the Founer and Deputy Founder. He helps them with their things and is still a high rank.
(7) Event Leader
The person who leads all events and makes people come to events.
(6) Recruiter
A perosn who knows how to recruite people and who wants to recruit people to the family.
(5) Shooter
A person who comes to events regulary and barely shows lack of showing up to events.
(4) Learning-Shooter
A pearson who cannot shoot that good yet and is still training.
(3) Thug
A person who has the option to rob people as an unofficial organization, but needs to know all rules.
(2) Runner
A person who needs to come to events to get promotions and who is already in the family for a bit.
(1) Grinder
A new person in the family.
Plans for the Yeagers
The Yeagers plan to be one of the strongest familys that there are in the city,
Rules of the Yeagers
-It is forbidden to curse people OOC wisely.
-Racism is forbidden.
-People with high ranks in the family should be respected.
-Higher-ups should be listened to.
Family clothes
Only a blue shirt or hoodie.
Our Family Logo