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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Hassy Davids
Mar 11, 2023


Mar 6, 2023
So basically a player who goes by the forum name vAnimated (ID 3177) made a report about ID 1985 breaking GR 6.15 + CL rules.

vAnimated provided his own POV clip on YouTube (
) as his evidence.
You can clearly see throughout the whole 1 minute and 41 seconds of the video it's his ID (3177) at the top right corner.

1 hour & 23 minutes after being reported, ID 1985 replies to the thread saying "Hello im ID 1985, In your POV it doesnt show me shooting only shows me combat logging."

1) What's there to combat log out of if there was no situation active in ID 1985's perspective?
If he didn't shoot the heli (like he said) and just casually logged out, it wouldn't be considered combat logging to which ID 1985 could of just replied "It wasn't me who shot, I just logged off at the same time, I didn't even know you were around" or something along those lines.
But here he himself clearly admits that he combat logged because he knows he shot the heli and then logged quickly, but is trying to play it off like he "only combat logged" and never fired a single bullet.
2) Since ID 1985 decided to bs, I got interested in the evidence provided by the thread owner and it didn't take me long to analyze through the video and confirm that it's evidently clear that ID 1985 had shot and hit him right before logging out, as I provided with the facts by replying under the thread:

The sound where the bullets come from + if you go frame by frame of vAnimated's POV, you can clearly see bullets flying in from his direction. + he kinda admitted to doing it, "only shows me combatlogging", lol it's like saying "yeah you didn't see me burn down my house I only left a candle lit under the curtains."
EDIT: + at 1:33 you can see ID 1985 character is still in battle stance as you can see by the way his character moves, right before he logs out. (Happens after you punch/shoot), if like he said he didn't shoot, his character wouldn't have moved this way. "

Now what brings me to reporting Hassy Davids decision.

It took Hassy Davids 3 minutes to come to a decision of denying the report, with the reason being:
"Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report
(Because you didnt involve in this situation) We cant accept 3rd person Pov"

I can't seem to quite understand what does he mean by "Because you didnt involve in this situation, we can't accept 3rd person POV"?
Like.. what?
The POV that was provided as the evidence belongs to the thread owner, vAnimated (ID 3177), he is the one who recorded and uploaded this POV, it belongs to him, not to me or anyone else lol. All I did was simply some quick detective work using vAnimated's provided evidence.
Hassy Davids must be tripping or something, because I don't know where he took the idea of evidence being someone elses?
Also ID 3177 asked for ID 1985's POV on situation in the video which he never even got the chance to provide since Hassy Davids closed & archived the thread.
It took me just 5 minutes of my time to analyze that video and expose ID 1985's lies about being innocent. The proof couldn't be more clear.

EDIT: Funnily enough after re-watching evidence provided by vAnimated I found even more proof that ID 1985 infact had fired shots at ID 3177 for no reason.
, feel free to play the original video on 0.25 speed and you'll see all of this for yourself. (
Need I say more? yodiegang


1) ID 3177 reported ID 1985 for GR 6.15 + CL.
2) ID 1985 lied about not shooting and only combatlogging.
3) I expose ID 1985's bullsh*t using ONLY ID 3177's provided proof.
4) All the proof is there that ID 1985 broke the 2 rules.
5) Hassy Davids falsely closes and archives the thread without taking time to review the proof.
6) Hassy Davids ignores my PM's on explaining his decision
7) Hassy Davids gets reported for unprofessionalism.
8) ???
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