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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Noor Elayyan
Administrators nickname
Zessy Hill
Mar 12, 2023

Noor Elayyan

Nov 26, 2022
Dear reviewing admin,
thank you for the time that you will give for this, but it will help you achieving justice at our lovely server.
ill try to explain it quickly,

i received punishment (awarning) regarding a thread which been provided in proofs for Ub demands/Illegal activity in the city by the admin Zessy Hill,
and i really cant understand what rule i broke, and the reasons than been provided by the admin does not make sense and ill explain how:

about the first part: UB demands, which the admin means by it (Unrealistic Behavior), how is that unrealistic while all what i asked to open the radio and say something, maybe what i asked him to say is a bad thing, but im acting as a gang member not as a police man or a scientist graduated from harvard.
when i was a police man, i never asked a gang member or any person to say something in the radio, even i didnt say any bad word to anybody, because its the RP and i have to follow it, also as a gang member, its the same.

about the second part: Illegal activity in the city, up to my knowledge, since im not robbing or kidnaping, im allowed to give demands and kill any body at the city, what ever i am, police man, gang member, unofficial org, and a normal citizen,

as the gangs and the unofficial orgs considered at the same hand at hour server, when i was with my old family, i can clearly remember that we were giving demands to any body at the city what ever the situation is, and after that kill him which is allowed by the rules it self, (Gen 6.15) and the same situation we got here,
also about the things that the gang member not allowed to do at the city are rob/kidnap as mentioned at Ghetto rule 1.8 and no rules said that we can demand/kill at the city.

about the last thing that the admin Zessy Hill said:
"You cannot go who is unsconcious and give demands to speak on the radio you need PROPER rp reason for that since youre in the city.
Vagos will receive a punishment for this."

about PROPER rp reason part: so you can hear clearly at the beginning of the POV that my gang member said that we killed him, and i followed it by he still here.
even if this is not clear for the admin who was reviewing my thread, the admin can ask about the reason or ask a longer POV about what happened before,
which i will make it short ( the FIB agent (ID 16596) gave us 3 demands to stop with no reason, we stopped and i went next to his car to ask him what he need but he ran away, after that he came back and block our engine instantly, and all of us got down from the cars ( we and the FIB agent ) and we had a fight and we killed him )

so we got a good RP reason, but the admin didnt try to ask us about the reason, just gave 3 people warnings + gave the org a warning, for a reason, in my eyes does not make sense,

thank you for reviewing this, and please take in consideration that, people's time is not that cheap.

Adham Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jan 21, 2022
Provide a POV that shows the entire situation and the start of the RP situation because, in your POV, as Zessy indicated, it is a UB going to a random person in the city, hold him at gunpoint, and make such demands. You can see that by yourself from other gang member's reaction. Your punishment is correct.​
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