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Nov 7, 2021

Family name: Russian Mafia​

Founder: Damian Bratva
Leaders: Damian Morte (89976) | Jordy Bratva (89988)
Discord: Damian.#0488
Family house: 1446

Family Logo:

Backstory: The Russian Mafia started as a small family in Russia, we moved to the Netherlands and started a drugs company, we we're working under the table but got some problems with a other mafia. As we we're running the streets the more people that wanted to join, we didn't get caught yet. Then the worst day came true, we got surrounded by the Dutch police and we we're held at gunpoint at our drug meet, it was a setup! We started shooting the police and we fought them off us. Since that day we we're on the low, we didn't get any good deals because we we're shocked of the incident. We decided to go to this new place GrandRP, it's a great city and we finally have a good spot to hide our loot and guns, our deals are going great and our family is expanding, hopefully we can grow much more and be one of the strongest. we'll make a great story in this new city.

  1. Treat everyone in the family, and family members of family with respect
  2. No in-fighting
  3. Act respectfully in public, so as not to tarnish Russian Mafia's reputation
  4. Do not involve the new citizens

    The Russian Mafia's does not judge people for their backgrounds, and accept anyone who is willing to follow the family rules and code of conduct. We welcome people without a family to call us home, and will fight back against anyone who threatens it.

  5. Family colour:
    Black & White.

    Ranking System - each rank is directly senior to the rank directly below in a chain of command type system (Except 9 and 10):
    Rank 1 - Associate: Learning our ways and activities and are new
    Rank 2 - Soldier: Knows basic things about the gang
    Rank 3 - Lonian District: Soldiers of the family. Reliable in events.
    Rank 4 - Locale: Fight sub-leads. Good shooters, and good at controlling a couple of lower ranks.
    Rank 5 - General District: Fight leads. Able to lead events under the command of Warlords.
    Rank 6 - Day Master: Managers (event, business, etc.) Able to lead, organise, and carry out plans for events/businesses.
    Rank 7 - BookKeeper: Good leaders who assist Right Hand Man in their duties.
    Rank 8 - General Master: Deputies
    Rank 9 - Underboss: Leader
    Rank 10 - Boss: Leader

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

The family has low amount of players.
Get more active players in the Family and apply again in
5 days.
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