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Daryl Scott

Ex 101
Dec 16, 2022
Organization: NG
Name: Daryl Scott
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Nationality: British
Place of Birth: Paleto bay
Strengths: Always looking to improve, strong,strong leadership capabilities and skills
Weakness: Work too hard, gets too focused on tasks, slight drug addiction, power hungry

Life Story:
Growing up Daryll grew up in a town of rich and scummy people always hating the upbringing and the people, after a man named Kevin Lamar offered a place in the Government he had a goal in the back of his mind, he wanted to be powerful but not let the power get to his head. He had a goal of High command but to know everyone.
Career Story:
His strong leadership qualities allowed him to easily progress into the role of USSS Director and grab a hold of a lawyers license by hard work and also studying to much, then moved to FIB and got promoted to supervisor of HR, spec ops and Undercover. then going back to government to run for governor, after failing in the debates against the other candidate. he went downhill and lost his mind, he spiralled more into insanity after being given deputy chief in LSPD he used his power for bad (edited)

1.Daryll has 24/7 Bodycam rolling
2.Daryll can takes drugs on/off duty
3.Daryll can use PDA automatically syncs to nearest cell tower (has to be turned on)
4.Daryll is allowed 1v2 due to his USSS director and spec ops training
5. Daryll can go into Ghetto of duty and make drug/ weapon trades.
6.Darylls bodycam is always backed up to clouds
7.Daryll can use truth serum (using /try commands)
8.Daryll can take bribes (up to 100K)
9. Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules) (No LEOS)
10.Daryll has a hidden camera in his glasses which is wirelessly connected to his phone, that can upload to the NG cloud servers or his personal cloud servers (turned on by /me)
11.Daryll can search and destroy any bodycams he finds on a individual (/try)
12.Daryll can lie about availability of lawyer.
13.Daryll can get himself taken as hostage for intel or money. (Max 100k)
14.Daryll can use Torture to get intel. (Using /try twice at max) (No LEOS)
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