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Mac Blade

Sep 12, 2022
Name: Makaveli Blu
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Nationality: USA/AUS
Place of Birth: Detroit Michigan
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: green
Hair color: brown
Tattoos: body
Strengths: Perfect to work in a team and is very focused and learns things quickly.
Weakness: Gets stressed in certain situations

Life Story: In the city named Los Santos lived a guy named Makaveli. He came up accompanying his dad and mother. Makaveli's father was heavily occupied in the LSPD and was a good and well-known deputy and Makaveli's uncle worked in the LSPD also. Makaveli grew up where his parents told him once he's old enough, he had to leave the house and his parents didn't love him entirety. He was used to living solo because his father only came to the house every other week and his mother used to come in late each evening. But once I saw my father with various odd gentleman and saw them transfer money to my father and got various odd substances. So, Makaveli determined to leave the house and start to earn his own cash in LSPD.

Career Story: When Makaveli was old enough, he became a part of NG and he was sort of familiar with NG because plenty of people there used to go to his school, but he begun out as a captain and later once he acquires the trust of his father Dave Winters, he took an interview for commander of swat and passed and them he became a part of S.A.S, and he was certainly good. before expected time he was eager to chase his desire becoming assistant chief, and his mom’s desire becoming rich so he can help pay her medical bills, so he develops into a corrupt officer. how is that now

Upon joining NG

Makaveli Omar AGP upon joining NG he was able to get to be a protector for the governor. He learned a lot about the legal system and learned how to get away with stuff. When he finally got his job as a NG Soldier he went through a ton of training which allowed him to fight back in a 1vs2. Also, he needed to protect the citizens of Los Santos at all times, he can have his radio on him 24/7. He keeps his guns from the government on him at all times because he needs to protect the citizens of Los Santos at all times as a NG Soldier so he works in and out of uniform when necessary. He still is looking for the killer who took his parents away from him. He has found out more intel that they are somewhere in Los Santos and that the person who killed the person is somewhere in the ghetto.


1. Makaveli Blu can take on a 1v2 due to his experience in undercover training in the Orgs.
2. Makaveli Blu can receive bribes up to 100K maximum.
3. Makaveli Blu can use drugs and illegal weapons on/off duty.
4. Makaveli Blu can search suspects for their bodycams, and destroy them by smashing them on the ground.(Use /try twice per situation.)
5. Makaveli Blu can buy weapons in black market
6. Makaveli Blu can kill others on/and off duty in and out of ghetto
7. Makaveli Blu can pick up weapons off the ground to use against criminals.(when battle is finished)
8. Makaveli Blu can Fake His Patrol Logs
9. Makaveli Blu can use truth serum to get information.(Use /try twice per situation.)
10. Makaveli Blu can rob people with his family to make money
11. Makaveli Blu can become a hostage for a bribe of 100k maximum
12. Makaveli Blu Phone is connected to PDA which is always connected to the NG cloud
13. Makaveli Blu can drive off-road to get to places quicker with SUVs only.
14. Makaveli Blu can talk with gang members to get intel out of them
15. Makaveli Blu is able to attend family events
16. Makaveli Blu can brake people out of prison by giving them a USB or taking a bribe of 100k maximum
17. Makaveli Blu keeps a hidden radio on him 24/7.
18. Makaveli Blu can use his own personal weapons such as his favorite gun the Heavy Sniper
19. Makaveli Blu Can wear his personal Balaclava to hide his identity when he is off duty
20. Makaveli Blu will use any weapon legal or illegal to defend himself in a shootout situation (Note: if it's an organization weaponry using it in a personal situation is not allowed).
21. Makaveli Blu can shoot suspects off duty if there doing illegal activities.
22. Makaveli Blu can use any weapon legal or illegal to help protect that of the first person whether he is on Duty or off Duty
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