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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Rein Deer
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Bobby Pluxury
Mar 15, 2023


Be toxic don't expect respect back :)
Oct 7, 2021
I would like to start this appeal off with an I'm Sorry and I do own up to everything I've said in FIB Non RP radio and in NonRP Chat to admins as well I do accept what I said in Admin tickets that lead up to my initial 7 day ban for Gen 5.2 and Gen 5.3 that lead to eventually being extended into a 60 day ban for Server Dis + Admin Dis + Provoking, I wasn't really looking forward to write an appeal, but I've been getting DMs from a lot of my friends from Grand ever since the incident about writing an appeal, so here I am.

I met many friends from GrandRP the moment I flew into the city on EN1 for the first time all the way up to the release of EN3 where I moved with a few friends over to the project to start new and build up State orgs from scratch and make state orgs on top like how they were on EN1 but in our own ways I did nothing but respect other state orgs and I did nothing but respect admin decisions and curator decisions and even working with Sr. State, and other state curators to better help state orgs, but recently started falling off with other admins and curators to the point where I was just over it and I just started saying fuck it idc about this server anymore and wasn't really thinking straight when I started RDMing vagos in their HQ, and RDMing FIB at DOC, eventually leading into the Full on Admin Disrespect + Server Disrespect and I do apologize to every admin that I've hurt and I would like a 2nd Chance as there is still alot of friends that I actively miss in the server just hanging out.

Thanks for reading my appeal and I wish nothing but the best to Bobby Pluxury and the admin team of EN-3

- Rein


Be toxic don't expect respect back :)
Oct 7, 2021
even my punishment history on both EN1 and EN3 is small and I've always followed rules, and even with the false punishments I've received on EN3 I either appealed and they got approved or I was unjailed instantly after receiving, this ban being the only major punishment I've received on both EN1 and EN3

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021
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