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Itachi Vellaa

Nov 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL :- Daksh Bhutani

2. Your age :- 16
3. Time zone :- (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day :- 4-6 Hours exceptions on weekands
5. Your Discord :- Vella Itachi#1390
6. Your Nickname :- Vellaa Itachi

7. Your ID :- 8870
Additional information
Leader of Vagos
As the leader of Vagos, I would be responsible for overseeing and managing the organization's activities, members, and goals. Vagos is a well-known gang that operates in several regions, and leading such a group comes with its unique set of challenges and responsibilities. However, I am confident that I have the necessary skills and experience to take on this role and ensure that Vagos continues to thrive.

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
There are several reasons why I want to be the leader of Vagos. Firstly, I am passionate about the gang's vision and values. Vagos stands for loyalty, brotherhood, and respect, and I believe that these are essential qualities for any successful organization. As a leader, I would work hard to ensure that these values are upheld and reflected in all of our activities like we are gonna do 24/7, gunstore, clands and many more events everyday. I will also make sure that my turfers will do 100% turf.

Secondly, I believe that Vagos has enormous potential for growth and expansion. With the right leadership and strategy, we could increase our influence and power, both locally and nationally. I have several ideas and plans for how we could achieve this, and I am eager to implement them if given the opportunity.

Finally, I want to be the leader of Vagos because I am confident that I can make a positive impact on the lives of our members. Being part of a gang can be challenging, and many of our members face difficult circumstances in their personal lives. As a leader, I would strive to provide support, guidance, and resources to help our members succeed and thrive both within and outside of the organization.

Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.
To improve the RolePlay level in Vagos, I would suggest several strategies. Firstly, we should prioritize training and education for all of our members. By providing them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their roles, we can ensure that everyone is working together towards our shared goals.

Secondly, we should encourage collaboration and teamwork among our members. One way to do this is by organizing group activities and events that require everyone's participation and involvement. This could include clands, gunstore, hostage situation and many more events that require members to work together. By fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among our members, we can strengthen the organization as a whole and improve our RolePlay level.

~ My advice for improving roleplay is to make the ghetto more active and I want to make sure that the guys will do proper RP while clapping or patching someone. I will also make sure that my grafitti team will do 100% graffiti which will enhance the roleplay as the gang members will be motivated after having good profit.

~ I will make sure that my turfers will do 100% turf which will enhance the roleplay as Vagos gonna be on top.

Finally, we should prioritize accountability and transparency within the organization. This means setting clear expectations and guidelines for behavior and conduct, as well as enforcing consequences for any violations. By holding ourselves and each other accountable for our actions, we can ensure that everyone is working towards our shared goals and that our RolePlay level remains high.

Andrew Hulk

Nov 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL :- Daksh Bhutani

2. Your age :- 16
3. Time zone :- (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day :- 4-6 Hours exceptions on weekands
5. Your Discord :- Vella Itachi#1390
6. Your Nickname :- Vellaa Itachi

7. Your ID :- 8870
Additional information
Leader of Vagos
As the leader of Vagos, I would be responsible for overseeing and managing the organization's activities, members, and goals. Vagos is a well-known gang that operates in several regions, and leading such a group comes with its unique set of challenges and responsibilities. However, I am confident that I have the necessary skills and experience to take on this role and ensure that Vagos continues to thrive.

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
There are several reasons why I want to be the leader of Vagos. Firstly, I am passionate about the gang's vision and values. Vagos stands for loyalty, brotherhood, and respect, and I believe that these are essential qualities for any successful organization. As a leader, I would work hard to ensure that these values are upheld and reflected in all of our activities like we are gonna do 24/7, gunstore, clands and many more events everyday. I will also make sure that my turfers will do 100% turf.

Secondly, I believe that Vagos has enormous potential for growth and expansion. With the right leadership and strategy, we could increase our influence and power, both locally and nationally. I have several ideas and plans for how we could achieve this, and I am eager to implement them if given the opportunity.

Finally, I want to be the leader of Vagos because I am confident that I can make a positive impact on the lives of our members. Being part of a gang can be challenging, and many of our members face difficult circumstances in their personal lives. As a leader, I would strive to provide support, guidance, and resources to help our members succeed and thrive both within and outside of the organization.

Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.
To improve the RolePlay level in Vagos, I would suggest several strategies. Firstly, we should prioritize training and education for all of our members. By providing them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their roles, we can ensure that everyone is working together towards our shared goals.

Secondly, we should encourage collaboration and teamwork among our members. One way to do this is by organizing group activities and events that require everyone's participation and involvement. This could include clands, gunstore, hostage situation and many more events that require members to work together. By fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among our members, we can strengthen the organization as a whole and improve our RolePlay level.

~ My advice for improving roleplay is to make the ghetto more active and I want to make sure that the guys will do proper RP while clapping or patching someone. I will also make sure that my grafitti team will do 100% graffiti which will enhance the roleplay as the gang members will be motivated after having good profit.

~ I will make sure that my turfers will do 100% turf which will enhance the roleplay as Vagos gonna be on top.

Finally, we should prioritize accountability and transparency within the organization. This means setting clear expectations and guidelines for behavior and conduct, as well as enforcing consequences for any violations. By holding ourselves and each other accountable for our actions, we can ensure that everyone is working towards our shared goals and that our RolePlay level remains high.
+ :)))
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