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Leader of unofficial org
Jul 21, 2021

Family Name : 100 RESPEITO
Family Founder : Juan Respect
Family Leader ID: 46108
Family House No : 447
Family Owner Discord : Marine#4379
Family Owner Forum Link : JuanTeson

Family History:

There was a Portuguese mafia family, the 100 RESPEITO members, who had built an illegal business empire in Lisbon. They were known for their drug and arms trafficking operations, extortion, corruption and other crimes.

They succeeded in eliminating all the crime families and organizations in Portugal and decided it was time to conquer a new, larger country.
They chose England as their new home and began to establish their operations there. The 100 RESPEITO knew that England was a very different place from Portugal, but they were determined to adapt and continue their life of crime.

The 100 RESPEITO members quickly discovered that the English culture and laws were very different from the Portuguese. They also realized that they had English rivals and that they needed to find a way to establish their dominance in the city.

The family began to get involved in drug and arms deals in England. They also started to create new alliances with other Mafia families in the city. This helped strengthen the position of the 100 RESPEITOfamily in London.

However, things were not easy for the 100 RESPEITO in London. Early on they encountered many challenges, including hostility from rivals and constant vigilance from the authorities. But the family adapted quickly and began to build an even bigger empire in England.

Family Goals:

- Place our members in senior positions in legal/legal organizations so that we can influence how the city is governed;
- Organize funny/creative family events with other organizations/families and among our members;
- Use income from family businesses/operations to buy new businesses, such as plantation, stables, and drug lab
- Continue to recruit more members and provide them with the resources they need to succeed in Los Santos.
- Become one of the most respected families in the city.

Family Ranking:
Major (Rank 10) - Family leader

Fundador (Rank 9) - Co-founder of the family (deputy). Trusted member responsible for negotiating new business and partnerships. Also responsible for rank promotions. Has the same authority as the Major.

Coronel (Rank 8) - A trusted, loyal, long-time member who shows leadership skills. Handles the distribution/sale of weapons and ammunition to family members. May stand in for superiors when they are not present and lead events. Responsible for finding new business opportunities and partnerships.

Tenente (Rank 7) - Tenente is responsible for helping new members. They will be responsible for explaining to new members how to work in family businesses and will ensure that all members know and follow the rules of the city/family. Tenente is also responsible for collecting all profits from family businesses.

Sargento (Rank 6) - A trusted member who has already shown loyalty/responsibility to the family. This rank is responsible for taking care of recruiting new members and teaching them the family/city rules and all family structure and tasks. Sargento is also responsible for organizing training in the arena with family members.

Furriel (Rank 5) - Active member who shows commitment to the family. Assists the rank "Sargento" in finding new members. Can work in family businesses and get paid for it. Furriel will also help new members learn the rules of the city/family.

Cabo (Rank 4) - A member who has already shown some commitment and some leadership skills. Responsible for helping new recruits and giving them an introduction to the city/family. May appear at family events and may request weapons/munitions for the events. This rank can also help with recruiting and training new members. Can also work in family businesses and get paid for it.

Soldado III (Rank 3) - New member who has already demonstrated some work and commitment to the family. Can participate in family events and request weapons/munitions for it. Can work in family businesses and get paid for it, but still needs to prove his effort to the family.

Soldado II (Rank 2) - The first rank in the family. This member is the one who does the work force for the family. This member is the front line at guetto and family events. May work in family businesses and get paid for it.

Soldado (Rank 1) - The first rank in the family. This member is still on trial and is not yet considered a true family member. Once he proves he understands the family/city rules, he will be promoted. He can work in family businesses, but will not be paid for it.

Business Model/Family Business:

- Buying control of new businesses in Los Santos;
- Money laundering;
- Fruit and vegetable production and marketing;
- Stealing luxury and rare cars;
- Robbing outside the city and in the Ghetto;
- Trafficking in weapons, ammunition and drugs;
- Selling items on the black market;
- Regulating the income of members working in State Bodies (EMS, NG, FIB, SAHP, LSPD, GOV and LI) and temporary jobs (farm, construction, taxi drivers, etc);
- Bank Robberies and Shoplifting.

Family Rules:

- Respect all family members and administrators;
- It is mandatory to wear our uniform during family activities;
- Be loyal to family members;
- Denouncing is absolutely forbidden;
- Do not break the rules of the server/city.
- Do not embarrass the family name or reputation.

Family Dress:

- Blue sweatshirt
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