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Dane Carter

Nov 6, 2022
Organization: LSPD

Dane Carter
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Nationality: English
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: back, left arm, right arm
Strengths: good driving, good communication
Weakness: Unknown

Life Story:
Growing up, Dane had always looked up to his father, who was a respected police officer in their community. Dane dreamed of following in his footsteps and becoming a cop himself one day. After finishing high school, he joined the FIB and worked hard to graduate with honors.

At first, Dane was idealistic and committed to upholding the law and serving his community. He enjoyed the respect and authority that came with his badge, and he believed that he was making a positive difference in people's lives.

However, as Dane gained more experience on the force, he began to see the darker side of police work. He witnessed colleagues taking bribes from criminals or using excessive force to intimidate suspects. He saw how some officers abused their power to target marginalized communities, and he felt powerless to stop it.

As time went on, Dane began to feel disillusioned with the system. He started to question whether his efforts were really making a difference, and he became cynical about the idea of justice. He also started to feel resentful towards the higher-ups in the police department, who he felt were more concerned with politics and image than with doing the right thing.
Eventually, Dane found himself in a difficult financial situation. His wife had been diagnosed with a serious illness, and the medical bills were piling up. He was struggling to make ends meet on his police salary, and he started to feel desperate.

One day, Dane was approached by a local drug dealer who offered him a bribe to turn a blind eye to his activities. At first, Dane refused, but the temptation was too great. He started taking small bribes here and there, telling himself that he was only doing it to provide for his family.

Before long, Dane was fully corrupted. He started accepting larger bribes and looking the other way when he knew crimes were being committed. He became paranoid about getting caught, and he started to distance himself from his colleagues and family. He became increasingly isolated and consumed by guilt and shame.

Despite his downward spiral, Dane continued to wear his badge and maintain the outward appearance of a respected officer. But inside, he knew that he had betrayed everything he had once believed in.


1) Dane Has Secret Bodycam Which Records 24/7 even while off duty

2) Dane keeps his org radio with him while off duty so he can respond during emergency situations/ Global if needed.

3) Dane brings his ID everywhere to help him in situations.

4) Dane can take bribes up to 100k to help out his family with money.

5) Dane can sell personal weapons at the black market or to people. (Not org weapons and ammunation)

6) Dane can pick up illegal guns from operations and sell them in Black Market.

7) Since Dane is an HC he is allowed to carry his equipment (weapons, radio, mask(s)) at all times.

8) Dane Can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without calling a lawyer.

9) Dane is able to fight 1v2 because of his extensive LSPD training but will show fear when needed .

10) Dane can plant illegal items on people and frame them.

11) Dane can torture people to get information out of them.

12) Dane is allowed to take some of the bribes up to 100k

13) Dane can take bodycams off of officers and civilians and smash them with /try.

14) Dane can kill people on/off duty if they don't comply with his demandsexcept other leos .(Wont break Gen Rule 6.15)

15) Dane can use a gun without a serial number and not leave a trace.

16) Dane is biased towards Some friends and family members so can release them or reduce their sentences.

17) Dane can buy or sell Drugs in black market

18) Dane can use drugs on and off duty as well as undercover to fit the role of being a gangster.

19) Dane Can torture criminals in order to get intel, keeping basic human rights in mind.

20) Dane Can go to Ghetto while off duty/Undercover and hang out with he's old Criminal friends in illegal activities (including ones with tattoos).

21) Dane is biased towards Some friends and family members so can release them or reduce their sentences.

22) Dane can process others without confiscating weapon

Ani Pluxury

Aug 29, 2021
Bio Approved

However, Outcome 6: Don't break General Rule 6.6
Outcome 13: Use (/try) only twice per situation.

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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