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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
In the name of GOD (bismillah al rahman al rahim), I begin my explanation.
I strongly suggest that Bobby reviews this complaint.

This person has been the only one on the server whom we want to leave alone, as from the very beginning of their presence in the server, they have been causing toxicity and breaking rules. We have observed that in recent days, they have been engaging in meta-gaming and getting leaked ammo runs through Discord from the Los Santos Mandem. Moreover, people go undercover with makeup, but this person, in the middle of a fight, starts killing members of the Bloods who are our undercover agents. They also kill specific people by recognizing their voices, thus ruining the roleplay experience. Example of that
killing me for no reason? Because he knows I'm Shabah Verlice.

Now, let's move on to the shouting and ear rape that this person engages in. I can create a three-minute montage of them ear-raping LEOs. Moreover, when we tell them that they are shouting, they start insulting us in-game and provoke us to say something bad to them so that they can ruin the roleplay by claiming that we have a hostage and they will kill it. I call this force RP.

Now, let's consider some proof with POV's: XXX.
Unfortunately, I cannot send the POV as it contains things that might Frank Zane does not want people to see. However, I can send it to the admin who is reviewing the complaint.

I will now present some timestamps of the situation:
33:41-34:13 | UB Demands
37:53-40:13 | Three people doing a hostage situation, and they are surrounded by 20 people or more.
39:55-40:17 | Shouting again
Everything on Discord is invalid later on, I guess, as it is on Discord, and I don't know if the admin wants to count it or not.

Now, POV 2:
. It shows Mass Meta-gaming Mandem Family and Frank Zane. Okay, now we have an agent who leaked an ammo run, and their bio does not say that they can leak information. Nevertheless, let's proceed. Frank Zane pulls up with Discord and rams the ammo run truck, saying that "you guys are ruining the RP." Once we want to arrest him, he starts ear-raping and insulting the LEOs. Let me say something: If someone rams a car, I won't give them demands because they have already done something they shouldn't have. I will shoot them immediately, as I said.

Let me now present who "we" are. All state organizations' leaders have been complaining about this person to the admins, and all admins know about it. LEOs who negotiate with them and have any interaction with them - there is no way 300+ people can say that they don't like one person for no reason. Maybe even some admins don't like him because they see that he is actually toxic. With due respect to Bobby, the Chief, we think that you are giving this person chances that he doesn't deserve.

Now, this is on Discord, but it should be valid. They are targeting state organizations, which is forbidden. Los Santos Mandem is also involved in the targeting, as well as the families gang, as Frank Zane is abusing the gang to do the hostage situations and more. We have seen that there was a report that Frank removed once the leader himself committed a rule break, which is Fail-rp. Here is the clip: I can send it in dms to the admin , and this is the forum so that no one says that I lied about there being a forum complaint: Reviewed - delete thread . The reason why he removed it was because he realized that it's a self report.
Furthermore, this person has continued to engage in increasingly toxic behavior and has repeatedly violated server rules. The easiest proof of his toxicity is the titles of the videos he posts. Due to his persistent rule-breaking and toxicity, we wish to remove him from the server. Additionally, before he started targeting me (ID 471), I rarely received any punishments. However, since he began targeting me with his friends, I have received multiple warnings and other consequences.

Dms Provoking and being toxic: Exactly once i stepped down from deputy director position first person who dms!

(Note: Do not try to remove the msg on discord everything is recording and uploaded to my google cloud server)

Proof of targeting:
Rejected - LSPD mass rule break |16829,18374,10354,15434,30268
Reviewed - FIB MK | 0000
Rejected - GR 6.3|471
Reviewed - MASS RULE BREAK Leos |0000
Rejected - LSPD FEAR RP |0000
Reviewed - GR 6.4 ,SAHP Provoking |18252,4703,8452
As also Bobby told him to stop the things his doing and he did proof of that also.

Thanks for reading and i hope you take action.
Shabah Verlice.
Last edited:


May 11, 2022
Good evening bobby im here today to prove my innocents.

1) i would like to mention the only reason this man sharbah has made a report on me was because i simply take him hostage everyday and have reported him in the pass for breaking rules as i have the right here are some proof.


All this forums above show sharbah being removed from deputy and receiving multiple warning from me due to the fact he was breaking the rules of the sever which caused him on targeting me stating that he gets angry.
Where then we took it to discord where thing escalated From that point i was to catch him ICLY and make him suffer for it.

2)Sharbah who you guys think is a innocent person has being doing stuff OOC Doxing me where admins dont see it and the evidence has been sent to Bobby in dms and its private.

3)Also i would like to mention how he come on forums and say im toxic yet he would make me do this kinda stuff in Rp
Frank zane screaming
since he didn't like it once again receiving warn from me wouldn't make him the happies but if your getting onto me and causing problem ill get you back.

4)he would always fight with other org like lspd and sahp to arrest me as he was so hungry to do so this show him targeting me which led me to being toxic to him and when hes around it annoying. There also some time where i get hostage and instead of waiting and fearing for hostage life he intends to follow me when i made my self clear " YOU FOLLOW HOSTAGE DIES" but as he is soo hungry to arrested me The OOC problem come to a problem causing the IC to be shit which leads to me being toxic to other legal orgs.

5)Also and some people already stated im angry and shouting all the some people can agree and bring good RP to gangs which leos dont like how we operate so they try bring us down.

Leos part 4

All POV above show that i can RP but leos always have to stall or fear rp for hostage if they had faster response time like IRL if your mate was being taken hostage i would go there immediately to try save him and if they ask for anything it would be done as fast as possible.
no in Rp they want to different location for no reason and abusing the right to move making the Rp longer than it need to be and me being a gang person / RP character as it being ghetto i have all right to reject the location move and when that happen they say my rp is shit.

I think most people who know me can say that im only toxic to leos as the rp there giving isn't the best so it causing multiple people to stop wonting to Rp.

Some more proof of him being given chances on other sever like EN2

So my message from now now will be if you complain with me and bring money and be more efficient i promise the rp will be so much better.

Elon the leader of FIB - was in our fam where yes i did say i was gonna target his org on a Vc call where yes i did say this the only reason i said this was because his org was abusing This allies agreement we had to not report FIB and they dont report families but since sharbah starting breaking rules i reported him not fib because leader was in our fam but after this stuff went down and Elon promise me if i was to show him POV in FIB emails where he mentioned he would kick everyone from breaking rules but unfortunately he didnt keep his deal which then made me do what i did.

OVER ALL im deeply sorry for targeting FIB and if im given another chance i can promise thing will only get better ill make sure when I Rp with leos everything is recorded and done perfectly for no further complaints like this.

Thank you for reading Frank Zane !

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Both ID 471 and 6671 will remain Unbanned, after the talk in VC, as both of you Promised any sort of Actions between any of you will result into a harsh punishment as we talked about, not only for you 2, other people involved in this situation, further Targeting, IC to OOC Toxicity, OOC to IC toxicity, Doxing ETC will have a Harsh Punishment.
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