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Rejected Personal Biography | Lucifer Buttcher | 240250

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Marcus Dewane

Feb 21, 2023
Name: Lucifer Buttcher
Gender: Male
Nationality: Croatian
Place of Birth: Croatia
Sexuality: straight
Eye color: Orange
Hair color: Black
On back and arms
Strengths: I love to chat with people, i can sole the 3x3 rubic's cube ...
Weakness: Quite hard to concetreate on something ...

Life story:
Lucifer was born in year 2006, his family was very poor. They were working in coal mines and Lucifer was working in his family garden in back yard. Lucifer had nearly no friends no one liked him, but that did not let him down he menaged to bite his way trought that hard working days. His mother died of cancer in 2014 and his father started drinking very very much. Lucifer was beaten every day until he had enaugh and he escaped. Shortly after he was addopted and send to millitary school to learn what hard work is really.- To let you know lucifer broke 4 ribs both legs and jaw but me finished his tranning. And went back to beeing a normal civilian, but Luccifer liked the idea of being in the Army so he joined the army(navy seals). He had 1 year of XP and he made big promotions. Lucifer got married to a beutyfull wife and now has 3 kids (2 girls and 1 boy). His parents were thinking why he got married so early and even get kids so early but than they saw that he was readdy so they were very proud of their son.

Now Lucifer is searving his great country as a soldier, but he is not making enaugh money to support his family so he wants to be able to do following things...

1: Lucifer can destroy bodycams (/to do destroys bodycam of the person opposite).
2: Lucifer can carry and use xxx Wepons without any trouble coming behind him.
3: Lucifer can torture and kill anyone to get an information.
4: Lucifer can attend family raids, ACCs and any illegal activity that he might want to particepate.
5: Lucifer can take bribes for anything up to 100k.
6: Lucifer can bribe anyone for anything.
7: Lucifer can use guns without a Licanse.
8: Lucifer can sell guns to anyone.
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